
I have added a Nexus 7 tablet to my panel, unfortunately while it greatly improves my SA it also restricts my passenger from seeing the ASI. When transition training into the airplane I need to ensure a clear view of this critical instrument for the pilot in the right seat.

I have a G meter installed near the center of the panel; It would be the only instrument I could remove to make room for a second ASI and is ideally located. Question is...

Do I simply T off the pitot and static lines to this new ASI or do is something else required?


Do I need an identical ASI or will any unit work?
Any ASI should work fine. Yes, just "T" into the pitot and static lines.

Once you "open" the static lines, your transponder will need to be recertified.
Any ASI should work fine. Yes, just "T" into the pitot and static lines.

Once you "open" the static lines, your transponder will need to be recertified.

I think strictly speaking only 43 E (a), a leak test, needs to be done. Of course that will not re-set the 24 month clock, so it may be more cost effective to have the full certification done.
Only if it was an IFR cert, a 'VFR' transponder only cert does not have any static systems reqmnts.