
Well Known Member
In case you haven't heard, super glue does a dandy job for first aid for one of those whoops (aka: laceration) when you are just short of needing stitches.

I got nailed today by a sharp piece of fiberglass and only had to stop long enough to glue my thumb back together and clean up the red stuff.

FYI - we use a very similiar product in the emergency room called Dermabond and it is used for small cuts!!
Yep, it works great for that. Only problem is sometimes it takes a few days to "chew" your fingers clean :)

Grabbed some liquid bandage from CVS for the flight bag. Works pretty well once the bleeding has stopped. Stings just as much as super glue, but tastes better when you chew it off! :D

Dermabond would be better, but I think ya gotta be in your biz to get it!

Hope the thumb heals up quickly and the fiberglass stops fighting back!! ;)


Bob Mills
"Rocket Six" N600SS
Reno-Stead (4SD)
when i sliced the ball of my foot open i tried the super glue method.... when it kept bleeding, work sent me to sick bay, for stitches.. when the stitches kept me from doing the fun things that come with summer... i decided it was time for the stitches to come out... so i used super glue again... i had to reapply it about 8 times before the cut finally healed...

(love my watersports)
Price difference

We buy the Dermabond for the ER. It is very $$$ and you can buy a lifetime's amount of superglue for what just 1 little bitty tube of Dermabond cost.
Another handy item to have in the First Aid kit is "Bag Balm". Comes in a green square can. It is a veterinary, over the counter, powerful anti-biotic salve that is way more potent that other "First Aid Creams". Small cuts that get infected hurt for days. put this stuff on with a band-aid and over night (almost) it heals.

I use super glue on cuts and dry skin cracks.