
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Louise and I are pleased (and somewhat surprised...) to announce that we are the proud owners of a complete RV-3B kit with Quick Build wings! After a lengthy (1100 miles in 19 hours) round trip to Pensacola from Houston yesterday, we arrived back at our hangar a little after midnight with a trailer full of parts and a die need for sleep. This morning we unloaded our new (eventual) family member and found room for all of the bits and pieces that will eventually become Louise's first build.

We've talked with many folks about building a -3 at some point, and even have an "N" number reserved, but due to work commitments, we had pretty much decided that the earliest we could get stated would be this coming Fall. But an offer too good to pass up came along, with a complete kit being offered by repeat offender Rusty over in Florida. He even had a great airplane transport trailer to go with it, so we jumped int eh pick-up truck for the dash down I-10. Th quality of workmanship rusty had already put into the tail was enough to convince me that we were buying from a great guy, and it was fun to spend some time talking RV's with him while we loaded up.

We still don't have the time to work on it now, so we'll probably be a bit silent on the building scene until late this year. In the meantime, we are doing new wheel pants for Mikey (the -6) and Louise is getting the "fun with fiberglass" instruction under her belt. I guess I now have to seriously start looking at everyone's RV-3 web sites to build up some knowledge on what we are about to start. I am really looking forward to building again - and having the two flying airplanes in the back yard should ensure that the flying hours don't suffer through the build. This time, we have no deadlines - it truly will be finished when it is finished....

Thanks again to Rusty for a great start!

Paul, Louse, Val and Mikey congratulations! How are you going to name your new baby? Doug had great thread about RV-3B names, I hope it was not in Test/Misc section.

I think now Doug will build his RV-3B faster, much faster...

Wellcome. Rules, rivet spacer, caliper, straight jigs, visits to Randy and 3B folks web sites and pics. Well, nothing than you don?t know.
QB wings good option. Look inside the fuel tanks, some dust.

You passed right by Lafayette La. where I have 2 RV-3 projects I purchased, 1 A, & 1B, the fuselages on both are built but the centersections need to be replaced, the B wings I have are the retro version with all new bulkheads, the A model wings are built with the CN 2-1 mod, looks like the little 3 is making a great well deserved come back. I also own a RV-4 180 C/S. good luck hope to see it at a local flyin!!
Got mine

I picked up my RV3 kit Friday, a few mods here and there... we're on the way. Rolling out aluminum sheet here and there... working through the maze.. No big deal... What a DEAL!!: :D Gotta Love it!
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