
Well Known Member
Need some advice from the board. I'm planning on a Dynon Skyview with back up airspeed, alitimeter etc. I need to run the AOA line from wing root back to the ADHRS; also will install a T at the root for the airspeed line to go forward and back to the ADHRS. Further, I need to bring the static line to the front. Seems like a lot of plumbing. Does anyone have suggestions for routing these 3 lines? Pics would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

RV8 QB-currently on fuse
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3 T's

I installed 3 bulkhead T's inside the fuse at the wing root. 3 lines (pitot, static, AOA) go forward to the panel D10A (back-up) and 3 lines go aft to the ADHARS for the SV at the ADHARS I have 3 Y's for the 2nd ADHARS stacked on top of each other.

Thanks for the replys--the pics are greatly appreciated. This gives me an idea of how to run the lines.

RV-8, working on fuse
Buggsy2 interested where you got the coloured tubing. Seems like a brilliant way to identify components in the pitot/static system.
Buggsy2 interested where you got the coloured tubing. Seems like a brilliant way to identify components in the pitot/static system.

Steinair sells multi-colored tubing - and yes, it DOES make working with the pitot/static systems much easier!
As Ironflight says, Steinair has it and also Avery Tools. I started with the Static/Pitot/AOA kit(s), but found I needed more tubing and connectors which I ordered from Steinair. I enjoyed the task more than feel you're really making progress as you assemble the lines.