
Well Known Member
Scratching my head looking at the d-sub connector for the it possible I was sent a male and it appears that I need a female?

I only see one 9 pin D-sub in my finish kit....the plans seem vague, but the video shows a female and my harness has the 8 female pins factory installed?

The ADAHRS looks like it is a male connector in the device itself...what am i missing here?

I had the same problem, got a male plug with finish kit. Waited until I got the avionics kit thinking maybe it would be in there. No go!

Called Vans and after much searching found the correct female D-sub which they sent to me. Looks like this got left out of some on the inventory sheets on some version changes.

Give them a call.

Yep, i think I have it figured out. The part number in the manual is right....female 9 pin D-Sub.....The part number on the inventory is shows a Dynon Bag with a Dynon number but a Male 9-pin D-sub which is correct for the GPS connector into the hub....the same Dynon bag comes in the Avionics kit with the male d-sub kit and pins.

Correct one on the way.