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Page 2 paragraph (g) spells out the corrective action.

Back when the AD was issued, I am thinking if the ELT passed the required one a year test required by 91.207(d), it was ok to keep using. Looking over the AD PDF file above, it appears that other inspections call out in the manual may be necessary. Going from memory, I though the manual was just instructions on how 91.207(d) was conducted on this ELT.

Re-reading today, it sounds to me like one needs the manufacturer's manuals to make sure that you are doing everything required. A quick DuckDuckGo search of the web did not find the manuals.

The AD sounds like one cannot use an Ameri-King ELT as a replacement for a failed unit.

When this AD was issued, I did not own the subject product but had friends that did. I only read the AD to be able to assist my friends that had the product. Since several years has past, I would not go by my memory but find the manufacturer's manual to make sure of complete compliance.
As far as I can read and tell, the "tests" consist of the annual test And the sections 3.3 & 3.4 of the unit's manual. I have the physical manual and those spec'd sections are an embellishment of the annual check plus things like having to do a check once per 3 months, checking for corrosion inside the battery compartment, condition of cabling and connectors. If tests good, unit can continue in use.