
Well Known Member
Anybody using or have heard of a smart phone app or computer software that will check ADs for stuff you have on your plane? I have the IA in the hangar next to me use some software package to do it each year for me but the software is for mechanics and cost about $900. Should be an easy program to type in your engine and accessories and it will go search the AD database. Should allow you to track compliance and reoccurrence.

Please no thread drift to never ending debate on if ADs apply to experimentals.
AD Toolbox

I've used both the FAA website and AD Toolbox. The FAA site is very cumbersome and took me days to filter through every possible AD for my old Cherokee 140.

If you only want to look up your experimental plane on occasion, you are interested mostly in the engine side and the FAA site would be fine.

If you are an A&P (IA) and do a lot of annuals, the time savings for AD Toolbox is significant and $729 for a two year online subscription. If I had to do it again, I would have paid $49 for a one month subscription at the time.

EDIT: No affiliation with either the FAA or AD Toolbox.