
Well Known Member
do ad's and sb's that are issued for lycoming engines have any effect on the clones? if not, is it something that should be looked at anyway?
ADs do affect any Lycoming parts that may be used in the clones.
It's always good to look closely at any ADs or SBs. Of course there is the big discussion about .."Do ADs apply to engines installed in home-builts?" Bottom line is EAA generally says no, but FAA generally says yes. And guess what FAA makes the rules. Either way your aircraft must me maintained in a condition for safe flight. If there is an AD on an item that is installed on your airplane, and it is not complied with, is that airplane in a condition for safe flight?
of course, i don't have an engine, so this is just general info/curiousity for me.

in the cherokees that i've owned, we obeyed the letter of the law to the "T" on both SB's and AD's. But, those were lycoming engines. i understand what you say about lycoming parts being used in clones, and ad's affecting those parts. those need to be taken care of.

ok, here's a follow on question...

do all clones use lycoming parts?
I don't think all do, but most do. This is something that you will have to ask the engine builder.
There are three major suppliers of Lycoming engine parts. The original equipment Manufacturer is of course Lycoming and they do sell parts and there are two aftermarket suppliers. They are Superior Air Parts and Engine Components. So in any given engine certified or otherwise you could have parts from any one individually or some from each supplier. The parts that the aftermarket suppliers supply, are interchangeable with the Lycoming parts and vice a versa. There are a couple of other aftermarket suppliers that only make some specialty items that could go on a Lycoming engine, but generally speaking the big three mentioned are the major suppliers.
Good Luck,
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