
Well Known Member
Thanks to AOPA for the heads up on this AD for some cylinders from Superior. Disclaimer: I don't work for Superior or any of their competitors.

SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain
SAP cast cylinder assemblies installed in Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM)
470, 520, and 550 series reciprocating engines, Lycoming Engines (LE) 320,
360, and 540 series reciprocating engines, Avco Lycoming (AL) 540 series
reciprocating engines, and Superior Air Parts, Inc. (SAP) 360 series reciprocating
engines. This AD requires removing from service certain SAP part numbered
(P/N) cast cylinder assemblies installed in TCM, LE, and AL reciprocating
engines. This AD also requires removing from service certain cast cylinder
assemblies installed as original equipment in SAP reciprocating
engines, or in certain overhauled or repaired SAP reciprocating engines.
This AD results from nine separated SAP cylinder assemblies in TCM
reciprocating engines and one in LE reciprocating engines. We are issuing
this AD to prevent cylinder separation that can lead to engine failure, a
possible engine compartment fire, and damage to the airplane.