
Well Known Member
I've installed my rear baffle and I was ready to install the blind rivets, and I've only have 7 AD-41H, and I need about double for one tank.

So, I have some LP4-3's and some AD-41-ABS, and MSP-42 rivets, can I use those instead? I'm wondering if they will be more leak pron since they not closed on the end.

I could order some of the called out AD-41H, but I won't be able to install those until next Thursday since I'll be traveling.

I would definitely wait until you have the proper rivets. This isn't a place where you want to be wondering if it will leak.

Was your kit short some rivets?
You can use standard pulled rivets on the tank if you are not stingy with the proseal. The entire tanks on my bi-plane use standard pulled rivets. They are somewhat more prone to leak, but can be used if you are careful. Also when I cleaned out the slosh from my RV tanks, I used standard pulled rivets and have had no leaks. That was several years ago.