
Unrepentant fanboy
I have my 9A ready for first flight now (won't happen for a couple weeks due to family commitments), but my total actual hours spent in the process of building it were logged pretty carefully and I came up to 1891 hours. Admittedly I added some mods that took up a lot of extra time, notably the extended range Tuckey-style outboard wing tanks, a full glass panel that I wired entirely myself, all-electric fuel system, a few other items as well. I think I probably added 150 realistic hours on those mods over a "stock" build.

Just one data point, wondering where others have fallen, if you've even kept track.
RV-7A QB, mostly to plans except for minor deviations (sika canopy, etc.).
4.5 years, 1549 hours build.
Standard Build RV-9A - 3060 hours

I tracked my hours and my wife's time working on the RV-9A very carefully. 3060 person-hours from opening the empennage boxes to ready for first flight. Standard build RV-9A; no deviations from plans.

This is the first RV that I built but it was my second aircraft building project. BTW, I enjoyed every one of those 3060 hours.
I probably spent more time reading and studying the plans and looking at this site than building.

My "Quick Build" RV-8 took 6 years and 2500 hours. I started out thinking I was building the space shuttle, by the end I looked at it more like it was a tractor.

