Scott Will

Well Known Member
One of the last things on my list is wiring the ACS key switch. Don't know why I've been putting it off!

Anyway, they say use shielded wire (assume it's required for L/R ignitions, not really necessary on the power line to the starter). Where do you ground the shields? Tie them together and ground at the main grounding block on the firewall? I see some of the terminals on the switch are marked GRD - ground them there?

Any other tips tricks for wiring this thing up? I have a Unison slick mag on the left and a Lightspeed on the right side.

Anyone have any pics of a key switch wired up? (no making fun of me for having an old-fashioned key switch! seen it in plenty of RV's)
Hi Scott,

Mags are "noisy" devices, meaning that they generate a lot of noise on the P lead cables. The shielded cables are used to keep this trash from radiating into the other wires in the area (radio, intercom, etc).

You are correct that the power, ground, and starter solenoid do not need to be shielded. I would also think the Lightspeed wouldn't need to be shielded, though you should probably consult the LSE manual for that.

The rule of thumb is to only ground the shield on one end, never both. The end that generates the noise is the end that should be grounded, which is the mag end in this case.
