
Well Known Member
I have an Advanced Control Systems PN 70025 Flap Control Board in my Rocket and I'm trying to figure out what it does. The flaps run up and down with the switch just fine, but is that all it is - a relay panel?

I can't seem to find a website or any real info about this thing.
Unless it lets you select an intermediate position, I can't see that it's anything more than a relay board?? Probably an expensive way to reproduce something that could be done with a quick trip to RadioShack and an hour with a soldering iron. Perhaps I'm just being cynical!

Some controllers send a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) current to the motor. The PWM current can vary the speed of the motor while still providing full torque.
Relays basically switch higher currents using small control currents, they are usually installed in RV's when a low current rated stick grip switch is used to control the higher flap motor current.