I can not update the ACS 2002 software or get data out of the unit. I attempt to follow the directions, Download the program and software, connect it to the unit with no results. Com port selection is a question. Rob suggested finding the port that allows data to be retrieved from the unit. I tried all 6 ports with no results.

I have a relatively old Compaq laptop running Wnidows 98 and am, admittedly, not very computer literate.

Thanks for any help.

Roy Samuelson
Very close to first flight at OAK
Com port

It is likely that you need to identify whether the COM port on your laptop is enabled, what COM port number it is (probably COM1) and whether it is set to used fixed settings. Then you will need to match the software to those settings or match the settings to the software requirements. If the data bits, stop bits and parity are not correct then you may not be able to download anything. D

There is nowhere within the software to actual set the settings from what I can see: I don't have one, I've just downloaded and read the manual. The manual on page 54 states that you need to use 19200 transfer (baud) rate N-8-1 (no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit: a very common setting).

Obviously you'll need to be using a correctly wired cable as well.

It's been a while since I dealt with Win98, so I'm just running up a quick install into a virtual machine so I can remember how to check the COM settings...waiting...

To check your COM port settings in Windows. Right-click My Computer, select Properties, then click the Device Manager tab, click the plus sign next to Ports (COM & LPT) and finally select the COM port you want to check and click the Properties button. In the next window click the Port Settings tab to look at the port settings.

Not sure whether the software will override these or not, but it may pay (unless you use the COM port for anything else) to make sure they are the same as above, except set the Flow Control to None, since it very likely isn't used (rarely is).

Not sure if any of that will help, but might point you in the right direction.
Laptop updates

I have no idea if your problems is the same as I have had, but I will pass it along anyway. I have an older Dell and it will not update my AF2500 (same as your 2002, just with later upgrades) I called the company (Advanced, not Dell) and they know there are some models that will not communicate with their hardware and have no idea why. Mine will download data, but not upload. Call Advanced. They were very helpful. I lugged my desktop out once to update and from now on will borrow another laptop. Try a newer laptop, not Dell, and you will probably be all right.

Bob Kelly, taxi testing
Com Port Settings

I checked the Com Port as Jeff suggested. It is Port 1. Transfer rate was 9600. I changed it and will give this a try.

Thanks Jeff.

Roy Samuelson
All is well, now

I finally gave up on my meager efforts to make this work. I asked the teenager next door for help. He came with his faster, cheaper, smaller, newer laptop. Everything went as advertised. We installed the new software and were able to download data out of the monitor. Works great.

Roy Samuelson