Finley Atherton

Well Known Member
My wife and I are flying our 9A across the width of Australia to a fly-in at Langley Park Perth. The fly-in is being organized by the local branch of the Sport Aircraft Association of Australia (SAAA). Have a look at Langley Park on Google Earth. You will see that it is virtually in the CBD.
The park is being converted to an airfield for the weekend and about 100 mainly experimential registered aircraft will be there. The airfield is short with obstacles and we have to prove before hand that we are up to the task before being allowed to participate.

You can see where we have been and follow our progress at
If we are on the move you will see a blue dot that should update every couple of minutes. Click on my Public pages and you can see the trip starting from the first entry on 7/10/2011. Click on a blue dot and you will see position, speed etc. I fly at about 25 lt/hr regardless of height which translates to around 150 kts TAS at 8,500 ft and less lower down. The prevaling winds are from the west and we have had headwinds most of the way.

The photo quality is not great. They were taken with a mobile phone and the sky was very hazy from smoke/dust.

This is the desert in Central Australia from 8,500 ft. The lines are old sand hills that have been covered by vegetation


There has been rain in the desert over the last year

A welcome water hole at William Creek Central Australia.

Isolated beaches on the eastern section of the Great Australian Bight.

Impressive limestone cliffs that extend for hundreds of km on the western section of the Great Australian Bight. Nothing but open ocean between these cliffs and the Antarctic. Desert starts at the top of the cliffs.

The next post should be the fly-in.

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Thanks for posting your trip Fin.

Could you please tell me the price of Avgas at the stops you made, as I hope to fly from Brisbane to Perth maybe next year and would like to get an idea of the best way to go.

Looking forward to see some more photo of SAAA planes in Perth.
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Getting ready to leave for the next leg in a few hours weather permitting.
I worked out that my total sight seeing flight to Perth will be about 2,200 nm (2,500 miles) and then I still have to fly back home although this will be a more direct route.


Relaxing at our motel after an awful leg from Esperance to Perth. Fighting a 30 kt plus headwind with strong turbulence, low cloud and showers.
If you look at our track you will see we had to turn back at one stage to a clear area to descend below the cloud. Heading west our ground speed was around 117 kts when we turned around it increased to around 190 kts!!

You may also notice our Spidertracks stopped for about 10 minutes. I accidently knocked the switch off in turbulence. Thankfully I noticed before before it was off for 15 minutes or the website would have sent out an automatic SOS alert :eek:

Our motel is perfectly located for the fly-in. This photo is taken outside or room looking across to Langley Park where all the aeroplane action will happen.


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Hi Fin,

Glad you made it to Perth ok. Last time I was at Langley Park, was for the Red Bull Air Race.

I have been following you on your web link, nice tracking software, I think I will do the same when I do my trip.

Can you please post some data of your trip. I would like to know how much avgas is out the middle of Oz. Its just under $2 a ltr here at YCAB.

My EST on your total flight time is around 18 hrs, would that be close ?

Have a great time, wish I could have joined you. :(
Can you please post some data of your trip. I would like to know how much avgas is out the middle of Oz. Its just under $2 a ltr here at YCAB.

$1.77 at Parafield at the moment.

When I refueled at Forrest in January it was $2.92 per litre. Just had to suck it up, it's not like I was going to be shopping elsewhere for it.

Ceduna was actually worse, due to my own poor planning. Traveling without a carnet card I knew I'd need to pay a callout fee at YCDU. If I'd refueled on the Sunday evening when I arrived it'd have been $20, which is a punch in the gut but still within expectations. But idiot me made the call on Monday morning instead, without thinking about the fact that it was Australia Day, with a public holiday callout fee of $90. Ouch! Won't be doing that again.

- mark
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Some backtracking here.

Cunnamulla end of the last leg 7/October


Desert first leg 8/October



The northern end of Lake Eyre. This huge lake is normally a dry salt pan but recent rains have filled it attracting vast numbers of breeding birds and grey nomads (not breeding)


View from our hotel at Streaky Bay, the last destination 8/October


More to come

Fin 9A
I see that some of those pic's are taken below 500' :D

Don't ask me how I know this :rolleyes:

Have fun over there. As the SAAA VP I should be there but was not able to make it work so I am a bit miffed I am missing out. It will no doubt be the last time it happens.


More backtracking.

Trusty steed at Forrest on the Nullarbor (treeless) Plain. End of the last leg 9/October


Indian Pacific train in the distance at Forrest on the Nullarbor Plain. This is one of the worlds classic train trips and goes between Sydney (Pacific Ocean) and Perth (Indian Ocean). This train trip is high on my 'must do' list.


Fin 9A
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We made it to Langley park incident free as did all the other aircraft which was a good effort for a bunch of amateurs. Had to land to the east so base leg was heading straight towards the high rise buildings which was a bit intimidating.

Lots of RVs but also a number of other interesting aircraft. I'll post some photos later on.



Well the fly-in at Langley is over. It all went smoothly and credit should be given for the mammoth effort put in by SAAA Chapter 24.

Some photos can be seen at
I think more photos may be added over time.

We are with a group doing a 'South West Ramble' also organized by the local SAAA members. Spent today touring wineries etc in the Margaret River district. Tomorrow we fly to Albany where we will be shown the local sights then start back home weather permitting. The forecast shows headwinds the whole way home:mad:

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Saw your very nice aircraft parked at Tibooburra on last friday night. Would like to buy one, do you get the same Range and True airspeed performance as stated on the Vans website ?
Saw your very nice aircraft parked at Tibooburra on last friday night. Would like to buy one, do you get the same Range and True airspeed performance as stated on the Vans website ?

Hi Magnus,

I guess you must have been the air ambulance pilot that was expected in soon after we left the airport?

I actually get better range and performance than stated on the Vans website. My aircraft has a CS prop and electronic ignition whereas Vans 9A figures are with a FP prop and mags (I think).


Thats right I was, someone got kicked by a cow. I would like a 9A or a 7A but do not have the skills to build it. Looks like you had a good trip.


Got back home yesterday after about a 4,400 nm round trip. As expected the RV performed perfectly.

Some more sightseeing photos (the fly-in photos can be seen at with more to be added soon).

Perth next to the Swan River. Langley Park is just the other side of the wharf.

Looking back along Final for Langley. Base leg was heading for the tall building and we turned on to final around and hopefully above the height of the tower so that final was between the buildings and the tower. Then we had to do an obstacle clearance landing above the Palm trees.
On departure CASA gave every pilot approval to do a low level turn to the left at about the Palm trees to pass this side of the tower.

Planes lined up at Serpentine Airfield before departing to Langley. Pilots nominated their desired inbound speed and aircraft departed Serpentine at one minute intervals with the fastest going first.

Coastal scenery at Esperance on the south coast of Western Australia.


More to come.

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More sightseeing.

Western Australia is known for it's impressive and unique spring wildflower displays.
This was at a beach near Esperance.

This is in the beautiful Perth Botanic Gardens and will give you an idea of the range of wildflowers.

After the fly-in the local SAAA members took us around the SW of Western Australia on a 'South West Ramble". This is our group looking out over the Indian Ocean near the Margaret River wine growing district.

After Margaret River we flew to Albany on the south coast. Our hosts took us on the Tree Top walk through the magnificent giant Red Tingle trees. These trees can live up to 400 years and measure 16 m around the base and up to 60 m high.

From the lookout at Albany.

Last photos.
Coastal scenery between Albany and Esperance on the first leg home.


Weird lakes/salt pans?? between Esperance and Forrest before we got to the Nullarbor Plain.

Over the southern end of Lake Eyre. As stated in a previous post this is a huge inland salt pan that has been filled by recent rains. The water is now receding. This was taken from 7,500 ft and the water really has this pink colour.

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Could you please tell me the price of Avgas at the stops you made, as I hope to fly from Brisbane to Perth maybe next year and would like to get an idea of the best way to go.

Hi Jamie,

As I am sure you would know, fuel is more expensive in the remote locations.

Thargomindah $2.35 lt
Forrest $2.75 lt
Esperance $2.05 lt
Coober Pedy $2.12 lt
Bunbury $1.99 lt
William Creek about $2.70 lt (I think).
Can't find the receipt for Ceduna but I think it was around $2.00 lt.


Thats right I was, someone got kicked by a cow. I would like a 9A or a 7A but do not have the skills to build it. Looks like you had a good trip.



If your the Magnus i think you are, then just get Langdon to help after he's finished the Glastar:D

Reminds me, I must check out how he's going!


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Welcome home Fin and Lisa..

... and WELL DONE with the long journey!

Great write ups and great photos!
Interesting to see how it looks in the differnet part of your big country...

The wifey and me have been following you along and sometimes live too, and it sure is a strange feeling sitting by the pc in Norway watching you guys flying along "down under"...

Thanks alot for sharing!
Thank you for your great post Fin !

Im still working on my trip From YCAB , Caboolture to YBLN Busselton, the most direct route I can.


Caboolture to Brocken hill, one stop ( Burke for fuel if needed) Day 1

Brocken Hill to Ceduna, via Port Augusta west for fuel, Streaky Bay Day 2

Ceduna to Esperance , via forrest for fuel Day 3

Esperance to Busselton direct Day 4.

Day 1, 5hrs, 1,200km

Day 2, 3.5hrs, 780 km

Day 3, 5.5hrs, 1,300km

Day 4, 3hrs, 600km

17 hrs, 3880 km. = 2095nm ( one way )
round trip 34 hrs = 4190nm

Your info on fuel prices will help with my fuel planing. Glad you had a great trip, I hope to do the same very soon. :)
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Hi Jamie,

Three hours is about our comfortable limit for a leg so Bourke would be an appropriate place to stretch the legs on day one. We got fuel from Bourke but I can't find the invoice. I guess it would be a little over $2.00 lt.

Streaky Bay is a nice stop over but the airport is a fair way from town. The Streaky Bay Hotel/Motel will pick you up and take you back to the airport for free and their price also includes a continental breakfast. We had a nice room (#12) in the Hotel which opens to the balcony overlooking the bay.

There are other airstrips on the Bight that have fuel but we opted for Forrest with it's bitumen runways. Keep a sharp eye out for birds (including eagles) on the Forrest airstrip.

Esperance airport is a fair way from town so the taxi would be expensive. Hire cars are available at the airport.

Depending on the time of the year and the weather you may want to consider say, Tibooburra, Coober Pedy, Forrest etc especially if the weather is worse to the south.

Have a good trip

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Great trip write up. I'm sitting in the NT at the moment but heading home in a couple of weeks and getting my -4 back in the air. I've thought that if I get a more long term contract here in Aus i may just crate her up and ship her over here.
Lake Eyre

The cool thing about Lake Eyre is its size.

Its about 5,000 sq miles.

I flew over it in a 747 on the way to South East Asia last year and it took 30 minutes from one end to the other, and its just out there in the middle of absolute no where.

No mountains no features nothing, just flat deseart for thousands of miles then this HUGE salty lake.

Just like seeing water on Mars.

Really something amazing.
Here are some videos of the fly-in at Langley Park. Watch in full screen and at the highest resolution if possible.

Acknowledgement and appreciation to those who made these excellent videos and put them on You Tube especially to John Clements for the outstanding first video which shows his flight from Serpentine to Langley Park.

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Hi Fin

Thank you for posting these!! I live in Perth and cant believe i was not able to make it arrr!! I feel alot better now that i have seen some cool videos of the event!

Cant wait for my RV kit to arrive:D

Wow, thank you Fin! What a great way to start my day!!!

Man, I'm telling you, as I was watching that first video I'm thinking "why is this guy flying so close to the city?". I had no idea that you Aussies get to land your planes in downtown parks. How cool is that???

Thanks again!
Man that was cool!

I lived in Perth for a very brief time, back when I worked in oil and gas. I think it is one of the prettiest cities in Australia. I definitely have to come back and visit. Perhaps, if my RTW fantasies come true, I can time my trip to end up flying in to this event for the day. I didn't see any RV-10s in the video.. The movies are excellent. Thanks for posting them.
Added another video to the bottom of the list in post #31. There are other videos of Langley Park on You Tube if you want to see more.


Yes there were no RV 10s at Langley which was a bit surprising as there are plenty of them in Australia and a number of aircraft were there that I
would have thought had worse short field performance than the 10.

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Finely, WOW!!!! thanks for sharing, what a cool fly in. Told my wife get the passports ready for next October.

Seeing these pictures makes me really miss Australia. The best 2 week vacation I ever had was flying all around SE Australia in a 172. Beautiful country, extremely nice people!
Not always

I had no idea that you Aussies get to land your planes in downtown parks. How cool is that???

Thanks again!

The SAAA equivalent to the EAA in US got special clearance for that strip. But yes that is where the Red Bull air races used to be held (as far as I know)

Hey Jon did you use your AUX tanks going from Little River to perth? What were your operational stop points if not?
Hi Gus

On the way over I put 40L of fuel in the outboard tanks at Nullabor which allowed us to fly direct to Esperance but we had a tail wind so made it easily anyway. We left Ceduna with three other 7's. They had to divert out to Forrest and top up with Fuel. This saved us about an hour of flying which was great. We had a cruisy trip over. Day 1 was Little River (Melbourne) to Ceduna with a quick fuel stop at Port Pirie. Day 2 was Ceduna to Esperance with a fuel stop at Nullabor. Day 3 was Esperance to Serpentine (Perth).

On the return trip I had a meeting Monday morning in Perth. We departed Jandakot at lunchtime and had a great trip out to Forrest with a fuel stop at Caiguna. The fuel stop at Caiguna gave me my first chance to try autogas and we filled up at the road house next to the Nullabor highway:



Too much fun. Should have seen the look on the faces of the grey nomads!

Autogas seems to cause vapour lock more easily than Avgas (or thats my theory). It was nearly 40 degrees C in the sun at Ceduna and she ran pretty rough at idle. Anyway powered up and off we blasted to Forrest and she smoothed out in the cooler air up high.

Forest for the night and then the next day made Little River (Melbourne) in one day with an early departure. We had one stop at Port Pirie and made the whole trip from Perth back to Melbourne in 10 hours flat with average tailwinds of about 10kts. Perth to Forrest 3 hours. Forrest to Melbourne 7 hrs. Sweet.

Best thing about the trip was catching up with so many RV enthusiasts - particularly a solid turnout of East coast crew from the northern states (even northern Victoria for that matter) that I previously only identified as characters hiding behind email addresses on the RV's in Aus Yahoo Group (you know who you are)!

I always wanted to fly across Australia and never imagined how good the RV-7 could be as a long distance travelling machine. I'll be doing it again.

In the mean time enjoy a shot of some of Perth's finest....



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Amazing! fly across a country about the same size as the USA to a fly-in!! Beautiful write-up and videos.

Can you do the windscreen while your at it.....

Love the pump shot.

Thanks for the write up Jon. fly across a country about the same size as the USA to a fly-in!! Beautiful write-up and videos.


Hi Pierre

Its not often that you get the chance to fly into a public park in front of a central business district. Crossing Australia was worth it, not least because the scenery on the way over is just spectacular...

Nullabor - where the desert meets the Southern Ocean:

Coastal dunes near Eucla:

Granite outcrops and beaches near Esperence:

and Forrest - A big airstrip for a town with a poulation of two! There are 6 houses. One accommodates the manager and his wife and the other 5 provide accommodation for visitors.....

A trip worth every drip of Avgas!

