
The video editing and stuff is a lot harder than the flying.

Music is Robert Randolph and the family band...Flat steel guitar player, very very good as you can hear.

Para what?..:)

Actually I did try to wear my old skydiving rig on Friday mainly to get me closer to the controls for the inverted spin......It didn't work very well...:(

RE:Stop your scaring me


Great stuff but your scaring me................NOT

Frank.......I know your new name.........BOND.........James Bond....007
Cool glasses/high tech head phones/dare devil extrodineair/international play boy....maybe that is taking it a bit far......./beautiful-fancy-high performance flying machine.........great music.

Loved the video!!!!!!!!!!:D

Frank2 @ SGU RV7A...last 10000000000000000 details
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Looks like I'm gonna be spending even more money now:D Too cool,

I think you kinda look a lot like Groucho in California:)

Great video too,

funny that..:)

Actually Pierre I do have the same camera setup as Bryan...Thats probably why we look the same, 'cept I'm about a decade older than he is...:)

Thanks for the encouragement....Now if only I can get my Mum to be able to click on a hot link..:)


Don't show Mum, it can't be beneficial. As much as we want to show the ones we care about how much fun we have it never works out well.:D

Keep the 007 mystery going.

Very nice vid, good neg g pauses just to show you can!!;)
Great video - I don't have any acro experience but, I'm scheduled for a 10 hr. course in March. After your video I can't wait. What camera do you use and, do you have any photos of how it's mounted.


Its Groucho's camera setup

The only difference is I have a Cannon HV20 and Bryan has an HV10...See his page for the details and be careful cus even though Circuit City says some of its camcorders have AV inputs they very often don't.

Even if they have the connection they are often just outputs, not inputs.

Steve, are you doing Steve Wolf's 10 hour course?..If so he gets my hearty endorsement.

The most intense flying experiences of my life (Instrument rating a close second). Intimidated by stalls at the beginning of the week.

8 hours later I din't care if it stalled or spun upside down or inside out...As long as the airplane is not pointed downwards an going fast there is nothing that you can't get out of.


Thanks Frank,
My video camera does have a digital input (firewire, I believe)
Hope this is not a stupid question but why is an input needed?
Yeah, I'm going up to see Steve Wolf for the 10 hr. course in early March (if the wx cooperates). I'll do 5 in the Zlin first because Steve says it's actually harder to fly and will thus make me more precise when I get into the Pitts. What's your opinion? I was thinking that perhaps I should do it all in the Zlin but, there seems to be some sort of voodoo pulling me toward that Pitts.
Can't believe it - been flying since 1957 and I'm just now getting the acro bug. Hope I can take the g's at my age (68).
I've been lusting after an RV-8 for months now. Hopefully, after this adventure, I'll be able to find one and star in my own video.
Thanks again

Cool video. I just finished an Upset Recovery Course using a ZLIN242. Loops, rolls, aileron rolls, inverted flight, hammerhead stalls, and of course spins. I wish I had my video camera when I did it. Maybe next time.
Zlin is good

I did my acro training in the Zlin.....It was a blast...well right up to doing snap rolls...uggh!

But the best bit was then doing everything in the RV....Forget 500ft hammerheads...try 1600ft from low cruise power setting and 160kts.

You wait so long for the ASI to show 30kts or less you begin to wonder if the thing will ever stop going up.....:)

The more i do with the RV the more I realise what a remarkable little airplane it is.

You were right!

Don't show Mum, it can't be beneficial. As much as we want to show the ones we care about how much fun we have it never works out well.:D

Mum went ballistic (Dad thought it was cool but knew better than to say as such) and threatened to "box my ears"...Good job she lives 6000 miles away eh?....:)
