Too cool..

.....Frank. A tidbit of good you near a 45 deg pitch up in the loops, look alternately left...right..left...right so you can easily monitor your progress by the wingtip's rotation on the horizon, since the blue sky doesn't tell you how far around you've gone. Then as the wings near parallel to the horizon, look ahead at the inverted landscape, continue the dowline and completion,

I keep hoping Frank gets a more stabilized mic boom and lets us hear what he is actually saying ;)

The effort to share his videos and music is appreciated.
Your right Pierre

.....Frank. A tidbit of good you near a 45 deg pitch up in the loops, look alternately left...right..left...right so you can easily monitor your progress by the wingtip's rotation on the horizon, since the blue sky doesn't tell you how far around you've gone. Then as the wings near parallel to the horizon, look ahead at the inverted landscape, continue the dowline and completion,


I have gotten into a bad habit of not looking to the wingtips on loops..I was trained to but I gotten slack...I make up for it in the hammerheads though...:)
Yup third flight

Sure...A bit of a trip form Fla but if your passing this I'd happily provide and an acro intro.

Very nice, as always....

As you know, a lot more looking around in loops would be a good thing. Also, I noticed in the rolls, they where always to the left. This works ok with the right hand from the co pilots seat, but will not work so well for right rolls as her elbow will hit the sidewall. It is still doable, but makes it much more difficult to keep elevator pitch control as you must keep the stick in position while sliding your elbow back. Your elbow should not pivot during the manuever, more sliding the stick roughly parallel in its lateral motion. Obviously, this applies only to aileron rolls.
I change hands depending on what direction I roll. From the pilots seat, right hand for left hand rolls, left hand for right hand rolls. I have a CS prop, so no issue for me but might not work so well for fixed pitch folks that need to reduce throttle on the back side.
You are far more experienced than most at this, so these are just observations from another perspective to help your student, not a critique of any sort.
Looks like you are having as much fun as she is.
Oh yeah I am..:)

Like a lot of pilots I get more pleasure out of sharing the gift of flight with people that don't usually get the opportunity than I do by going solo.

Julia happens to be really gifted student so its a trip to have her flying acro.

Good point on the fact as I swap hands so much for instrument flying I had forgotten that I swap to my left hand for rolls to the right..I have been practicing just recently with rolling the other way but not changing hands..its weired!

I'm compiling ideas for the next video which will include manouvers in each direction and more inverted stuff...I may even go and get some more training to help me nail vertical rolls.


The solo roll made me smile. Julia is fortunate to have someone to introduce her to the amazing world of RV flying!