
Well Known Member
Does anyone know why the Artex ELT was replaced by the ACK unit?

Is the wiring compatible? The phone cable part number is the same. Are the aerial and remote switch cables different?

Just a quick observation... I know of two ACK ELT failures in recently-built RV-12's. Both failed on the ground after landing. Both sent back to mgr and mainboards replaced with no mention of possible G-Switch failure. One unit was under warranty and the 2nd repair was out-of-pocket...

What do mean by "failed"?

I've had three instances where the ACK started transmitting after landing, AFTER I got out of the plane.

'failed' as in 'activated'?
I had an ACK go off minutes after what I considered was a smooth landing, was embarrassing when it started sounding off in front of the gas pumps & people standing around looking at the pretty RV12...
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'failed' as in 'activated'?
I had an ACK go off minutes after what I considered was a smooth landing, was embarrassing when it started sounding off in front of the gas pumps & people standing around looking at the pretty RV12...

Exactly. My guess is units returned with new motherboard and no mention of G-switch failure so as not to generate an Airworthiness Directive that would be costly for the manufacturer.

You didn't hear the above statement from me... :eek:
Sounds the same as mine. Guess I'll give mine one more time, if it does it again I'll pull it out. I'm tired of talking to the guys in Florida.