
Well Known Member
Weird occurrence at my hangar Christmas Eve.
Got a call that my ELT was transmitting an emergency. Plane was in a locked hangar and transmitting. ELT was set to armed and has been in that status for the past two months. Reset turned it off when friend went to hangar. By way of additional info, plane is not flying yet so main airplane battery was not connected ( I know they're completely independent, just giving a data point). It was a stormy night but we're talking about a plane within a closed hangar.

Ran the standard ACK tests looking for 1-5 beeps. Nothing like that happened. Instead, upon beginning test, a warbling siren sound happened three times then the ELT reset.
Also, did the gravity test and ELT activated appropriately.

I'll be calling ACK on Monday (returning for warranty checkout) but would love to know if anyone has an idea of what might be going on.

Tom H
Mine activate twice infight in two years

Caused all kinds of panic on the ground. Manufacturer says that "this has never happened". Told me to replace the battery.