
Well Known Member
I have been trying to contact Accuracy Avionics and am having no luck.
The emails come back with "mail box full" and the phone rings busy all the time - (even at 5am)

Any other contact or company status info would be appreciated.

Out of business.

They closed a couple of months ago.

Hope you did not have any money involved.

no $$ involved

no money involved I was looking for sources for a overhead console in my RV10.

Thanks for the input
I e-mailed Stein on the 28 th of Oct. and at that time they said in a month or so. New year will be late for us!!!!
Flightline AC

Flightlineac.com sells overhead consoles with their ac system.
They will sell you just the console.
I got one a couple of month ago and it is a nice piece of work.www.flightlineac.com
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We are very close to having a overhead console at nonstopaviation.com, it will look alot like Accuracies but will fit a whole lot better and be cheapier. I'm thinking we're about two weeks away at most.