
Hi to all of the other RV-12 builders. I am brand new too this forum as of this post. I purchased an RV-12 partially built about four weeks sgo. Wing, tailcone, and fuse kit mostly put together. Orginial owner had received the finish kit but had not started it. I am at the point of having to paint the interior of the fuse. Now to get on with my question. I have spent quite a bit of time reading ahead in the instructions. Reference page 33-03, the illustration shows that F-1229 (Baggage Floor Cover) is attached to the floor, F-1207F (Babbage Bulkhead Corrugation) would be attached vertically at the entrance to the tail cone and finally F-1206E (Baggage Cover) would be attached over F-1229 and in front of the lower flange of F1207F. The gas tank is then attached over the right portion of 1206E (that's why thre are 5 places that you dimple the holes in the right portion of 1206E). Undoubtably, we are going to have to have access to the tail cone and the fuel pump to do the annual inspection. How are we going to get access to these two areas with the gas tank covering F-1206E? I have somewhat solved the access to the fuel pump problem by placing the aft end of the F-1229 over F-1206E but that would not be according to the instructions. Still does not solve the problem of getting into the tail cone. Every year you will have to remove the gas tank to get to these two areas as it is written. Vans is aware of this via a phone call today. Maybe some of you other builders may have some ideas
Welcome to VAF

We'll have to remove the fuel tank at annual condition inspection. Kinda a pain, but it is what it is. We'll have to come up with a way to drain all the fuel out using the pump and drains.
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Welcome to VAF

We'll have to remove the fuel tank at annual condition inspection. Kinda a pain, but it is what it is. We'll have to come up with a way to drain all the fuel out using the pump and drains.
Larry- It seems to me that removing the fuel tank to do an inspection is probably not something I see myself doing. What I am planning on doing, is to leave the tank loose for the initial DAR inspection, and then modify those aft inspection panels, so that I can remove that portion of them, not obscured by the tank (the tank does not seem to cover the entire hole, just the edge). I can't imagine being able to remove that tank ( even drained) without getting at least some gas in the belly of the airplane. Steve
Inspection Panels:DAR

I assume that for airworthyness inspection, the DAR will want all panels off, including the seats and tunnel, so we should leave the fuel tank out untill after airworthyness inspection, or does the inspector watch us put panels back and put the fuel tank in?

Does an annual require removing every cover also, including under the seats, tunnel, baggage cover?

I assume that for airworthyness inspection, the DAR will want all panels off, including the seats and tunnel, so we should leave the fuel tank out untill after airworthyness inspection, or does the inspector watch us put panels back and put the fuel tank in?

Does an annual require removing every cover also, including under the seats, tunnel, baggage cover?

Mel- Could you weigh in on this? As I understand it, all inspection panels should be off for the airworthiness inspection. Correct? Steve
When I do an airworthiness inspection, I want all inspection panels off. As far as requirements for condition inspection, E-LSA must have an inspection procedure laid out by the kit manufacturer.
RV-12 Inspections

I also plan to modifiy rear panel and floor panel to allow inspection without removing gas tank. I am tempted to go ahead and install a drain on the bottom of tank.
Check with your DAR as to wether he wants airplane opened for inspection or not. The last two inspections I had both DARs wanted the airplane ready to fly, with taxi test done and logged. However they both did a through walk around checking all the controls and asking questions. The paper work including weight and balance had to be prepared perfectly. Make sure you Data Plate is prepared per Registration. Also have your EAA Tech inspections ready. I have already contacted DAR inregards to my furure inspection, he plans to look at airplane, no charge before doing the final then the fee will be $400. You can not call for a inpection until your aircraft is registered. I am building E-AB and have already registered N6GC.
Waiting on Engine Install Kit
Cub NC8858