
Well Known Member
I have cut the access holes in the top forward skin of my -7A, but I am wondering if there are any suggestions for sealing the retaining ring to the underside of the skin, and to form a gasket under the cover panels. I know proseal has been used successfully, but has anyone used any other materials? I am hoping not to have to buy more proseal just for this step.
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I have cut the access holes in the top forward skin of my -7A, but I am wondering if there are any suggestions for sealing the retaining ring to the underside of the skin, and to form a gasket under the cover panels. I know proseal has been used successfully, but has anyone used any other materials? I am hoping not to have to buy more proseal just for this step.

Try NAPA Ultra Blue RTV - cheap and easy - should work.
Jim Sharkey
I used RTV and painted after a year. The area surrounding access hole looks fine. At least I can not tell there is anything wrong. Before painting, I did lightly sand (2000 wet-dry) around the access hole and clean it with wax and grease remover (not necessary for RTV but for general cleaning).
Access holes gasket

On our RV7 we used neoprene gasket strip. I found a factory in the UK where they made it and sold me a short length in a roll. They make it a variety of thicknesses, some very thin indeed. Works great, totally waterproof (and fuel and oil proof), easy to replace, punch holes in the strip for the screws and creates a very thin seal. Use neoprene glue to bond the 45 degree chamfer in the corners.

Mark Castle-Smith
Finished RV7 and just ordered the RV3 empennage!

Thanks for the tips. I went ahead and used RTV under the backing rings. Will look for some gasket material for under the covers.
Gotta love these forums.
Go to an auto-glass shop they have great rubber sealing compound that never hardens that they use when installing windshields. Works great and remains pliable.