ron sterba

Well Known Member
Getting ready to build my wheels pants, struts for my RV9A and have had a couple RV builders wish they would have installed little doors to access the valve stems. So I decided I will installed them. Anyone know where I can purchase the round button type latch or something you could recommend or size of the door?

Ron in Oregon RV9A
From experience with the cam lock ones, they just aren't big enough to make filling the tube easy. If I was to do it again, I would make a much larger fiberglass cover that could be held in place with a couple of screws. Make them big enough to get your fingers in to unscrew the valve stem cap. Similar to what I did on the cowling to cover the hinge pins. Just lay up some fiberglass over the spot, use the cured fiberglass as a cover (cut to a sufficient size shape), then cut a hole in the pants, and finally tape it in place and do some fiberglass build up underneath to make a flange for the cover to lay on. A couple of nutplates in the flange to hole the cover. Probably more work this way, but definitely cheaper than the metal cam lock covers!
This method works great and is the easiest to install. Just make sure you don't leave the valve stem cap on and don't ask me how I know this.

You can use a piece of clear plastic tubing with an inside diameter just smaller than the cap to remove or reinstall the cap through the hole.
Now I like the tubing cap removal idea Kyle. Yep that 1" cap idea looks the easiest. Jim that's the item I was looking for. Now iam going to look at the work at installing the door or hole - n - cap style. Bruce iam now thinking do I need all that extra work for the camloc when your idea with a couple of nut plates and a plate sounds good. I'll have to sleep on this one a little longer.

Ron in Oregon RV9A N421HJ. MORE-FUN THAN A Honda Jet!
Automatic tire pressure readings

Has the electronic tire pressure sensors for automobiles ever been installed in General Aviation tires. What a great idea for our RVs.

Ron in Oregon RV9A N421HJ;)