
Well Known Member
After sifting through countless threads, I still can't seem to find an absolute number in regards to maximum amount of rudder twist that is acceptable? Is there no finite answer, just varying amount of trim tab required depending on severity?
Probably none.
Reading your post and thinking that this might be your first project, I can't help but think that you might not be talking about a twisted rudder but maybe a less than perfectly straight trailing edge of your rudder.
With today's pre punched kits, it seems almost difficult to make that rudder twisted in any way.

If indeed you are describing a "curvy" trailing edge it is not a big concern but merely a matter of aesthetics and to some a matter of pride.
Riveting a twisted control surface was much more common before the advent of pre punched kits.
If your rudder is twisted you need to have someone take a look at it.
Like I said, I've read many threads, especially this one

and am not really concerned about the amount of twist I have (1/4") but rather a threshold to where corrective action is necessary. Having never flown an RV I can only assume what control forces are required. I can only assume they are pretty light judging on what I've read and the experience I have to compare similar sized aircraft to.

I guess to boil it all down: If the controls are light and adjustable rudder trim not necessary, a plane flying out of lateral trim may be resolved by simply resting your feet on the rudder pedals. I am off base here?

Again, I'm trying to get a frame of reference for flight characteristics and am basing all of this on the aircraft I have flown (3,500+ hours in everything from C-150's, C-185/DHC-2 on floats, to PA-23/31) and what is required to fly them.

This whole thread could be irrelevant with a test flight. :D