Bryan Wood

Well Known Member
Is there a code or a way to list an RV on an electronic flight plan? I use AOPA's flight planning software and have never had success filing my flight plan with it. I've tried, RV-9A/G with no luck, and then RV-9/G after a briefer told me that the system doesn't recognize the A designation for RV's. Anybody have the solution to this, short of using the telephone to file?
This is great

have you tried RV9/G

I have now and it worked great. Thanks so much. Now for your amusement... When I tried this all of a sudden I had a flight plan filed for a flight leaving in one hour. After thinking about it I tried to cancel via duats and it gave a message that my plan had been forwarded to the Oakland FSS. So, as a precaution I called Flight Service to see if I should cancel this thing explaining why the flight plan had been filed. The gentleman was very nice and explained what seemed obvious which is how the VFR, or even an IFR flight plan will just fall out of the system if not activated. He said that it is fine to not cancel if the plane is my own and if nobody else will fly it, but if it was a club plane some body else could actually open my flight plan by accident. Somewhere in his explanation I told him, "You won't believe how my wife is looking at me right now" and he started laughing, and then I started laughing. He struggled for a short time to be able to speak thru his laughter and finally got out, "Do you want me to talk to her" as he broke into hysterics again. Without question this was the best experience that I've ever had with a call to flight service.

Thanks again for your help.

A filed flight plan is kept active for two hours after the proposed departure time. If not opened, it is deleted from the system automatically. Glad you had a good time with FSS.