
Well Known Member
In an effort to get my N-number before completing the RV12 I asked Van's for a Bill of Sale after paying for my finish kit. They gave me one 8050-2. I have completed 8050-1 which the FAA says is all you need "unless" you are registering an experimental in which case you need 8050-88a as well. And if its light sport then it must be completed by the manufacturer (doesn't say Builder like the EAB one.) The first thing the form asks for in the N-number as well as engine serial numbers etc. If this is another form Van's will be sending us along with the Compliance Form that is fine but all I want is an N-number so I can schedule a DAR when the time comes. Can anyone shed some light on this?
You have seen the light and it is a train coming at us. This is a problem that is a "Catch 22" and unless we find a way to move forward we will all get our aircraft done then sit and wait for Van's to get paperwork ready for us then we can try to get them registered and then we can, after receiving our real registration paper some weeks later call the DAR who is not just sitting waiting for us so more time to get on his schedule. It looks like months after we finish to me. I know there are many optimists on this subject but until I see some one say they have solved this problem I am sorry but I will remain my usual pessimistic self on issues dealing with the FAA. Good luck.

Best regards,
You have seen the light and it is a train coming at us. This is a problem that is a "Catch 22" and unless we find a way to move forward we will all get our aircraft done then sit and wait for Van's to get paperwork ready for us then we can try to get them registered and then we can, after receiving our real registration paper some weeks later call the DAR who is not just sitting waiting for us so more time to get on his schedule. It looks like months after we finish to me. I know there are many optimists on this subject but until I see some one say they have solved this problem I am sorry but I will remain my usual pessimistic self on issues dealing with the FAA. Good luck.

Best regards,

Thanks Vern for there's two of us huh? So my plan was to call the registration experts at the FAA tomorrow anyway...I'll let you know what they say.