Dangerous Dan

Active Member
Transferring to Afghanistan helped me realize I will be living overseas for almost 4 more years. Sold my Tri-Pacer and both cars trying to minimize expensis and worry.

I want to buy My RV-4 NOW, but think it might be too early. Any ideas you guys have as what I should do? Or do differant?

Here is how is how it went with my TP. I had a cheap hanger $150/month. Had a policy anyone could fly my bird (to keep it exercised) just replace gas and pay thier share of insurance. Gave my mechanic free riegn to watch over the pilots and do as he wished for $50 per hour. The bills for what seemd to be the same things over and over (used engine cylanders) etc seemed to be getting out of control. Being based In WV the weather was usually so bad the few days I would be in town the fog, storms, wind etc, made it impossible to fly and got me the nickname I go by here when I flew at the minimums :).

The build stories and pics are so amazing, G-Ikon and the German guys series of photos are so inspiring. I tried to think of anyway to build in this situation, but not possible. Would like to be able to "virtualy build" by sending money each month to craftsman/builder but of course that is illegal. I realize the build time for many may be more than the 4 years I will be overseas paying my dues.

You folks have any ideas other than wait until I semi retire (end of 2013) from this situation?

Thanks, Dan
Would like to be able to "virtualy build" by sending money each month to craftsman/builder but of course that is illegal.
I suspect that you might get a few PM's of guys offering to do this. Illegal, yes, but it doesn't seem to stop some folks.

I started to type "Why not just buy used when you get back?" but then reread your post and saw that you are looking for suggestions other than that. If you really want to own an airplane while you're gone, you might consider a partnership. If structured as such, you would only be on the hook for your share of the fixed costs (hangar, insurance) and your partner would end up paying for nearly all of the maintenance (assuming you allocate costs based on hours flown.)

Hope you figure out something that makes you happy.

Thanks for your service!
Sounds to me like you already know what you need to do, and just don't want to admit it. If you are already at the point where you are ready to buy a -4, as you say, and you realize you won't be able to fly it for another 4 years, then I would simply hold off, stash cash, and purchase one when you get back stateside. There are enough good airplanes for sale at any given time to keep you busy for a while looking and choosing.

Buying it early is simply going to cost you money that doesn't need to be spent yet, on hangar rent, insurance, and repairs from others using your bird plus wear and tear. It's not an ideal situation.
Some jobs make it hard to build

I started building my 7 in Jan 2007, I was thinking 3-4 years. I moved to Cheyenne, WY due to a PCS and could not find a house that I could build in till Sep 07 (the same month I had my first deployment from WY). I know I only do "USAF" deployments but I am currently at COB Speicher on my 4th deployment from getting to WY and it is slowing me down. I find time to build when I am home but when I am gone over 200 days a year the time is limited.

I would say unless you have a buddy that you would like to build the plane with and share that you should just wait. I too would love to come home to a finished plane but know that is not the case.

I know it's hard not to buy used now, as I have more in the garage then what used ones are selling for in this wonderful economy, but that is only a decision that you can make.

Take this time to plan and plan some more as products are always changing.

I know that there is a "pre-buy" arrangement when dealing in expensive boats. I may have some of the details wrong, but it is where someone pays an owner for several years before taking ownership. If someone were wanting to build another plane, this would give them the cash to do so without giving up their current ride. I could see myself doing that. There would have to be both solid trust and a good contract, but it might be an option.

Bob Kelly
Great ideas Thank you all

For some reason my earlier reply has not apppered. Anyway....

Your suggestions and ideas are extremely supportive of what I know to be the right path to my RV. I must wait until the time is right.

Yesterday I was riding in the back seat of Blackhawk chopper while it sharply banked and threaded through a canyon, flying low on our way to Kandahar. I thought some day I will do this in an RV. I remind myself that owning an RV is a real possibility for me, just need to pay my dues first. Most Afghans and people of the world cannot even conceptualize the idea of private airplane ownership. I think we are a very elite and privilaged group

Thanks again for the time you have taken to share your support and Ideas. :D Less than 4 years to go

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It's people like yourself that make things like this "airplane ownership" freedom possible. THANKS

Marshall Alexander