TS Flightlines

Well Known Member
All----As some of you are now aware, I've been absent from posting alot on VAF. Not that I'm mad at anyone, or have been MIA. Yes, I've been working, but I do want to explain briefly.
In January, Suzanne was diagnosed with breast cancer. One of those out of the blue, laser GPS guided missiles that you never see coming. All of her previous mammograms have been negative, so the shock and awe of the reality was alot to take.
She had successful surgery in early February to remove the lumps, 11 lymph nodes, and biopsy the tissue. It came back malignant, stage 2. Ok, treat it, an lets move forward. Just before she was to start chemo, we asked the DRs if there was anything else we needed to be concerned with. We asked, because she was having some difficulty walking, and CERTAINLY these were 2 unrelated circumstances. But we wanted to know, so we had them do a CT scan, and a bone scan.
2nd missile---The CT scan was negative--more on that in a second, the bone scan showed excessive cancer 'spots' in several ribs, her right pelvis, lower lumbar, and upper arms on both sides. Boom.
After digesting this--and seeing the stunned, pale, drained look on several DR's faces, we asked for a bone biopsy to see if the 2 cancers were related, or if we were dealing with a HUGE issue, not that MBC breast cancer isnt huge enough. The Biopsy showed it was the same cell makeup, so at least we had identified the enemy, and now had a plan. The CT scan was very puzzling. We insisted on a PET scan to see exactly what and where we were dealing with. It showed the cancer had spread to areas not shown on the CT scans.
Radiation was started to zap the spots to at least slow them down. 8 treatments. WE got another CT scan to see if the radiation had done any good, and the results were-cautiously optimistic. So a chemo regiment was started---12 weeks worth. Grueling. Some nausea, but not bad, but the pain of moving around--even sleeping and trying to roll over, well I'll just say that no one slept.
By chance, a couple of trips to the ER because of fear of either a broken rib, or a blood clot allowed us to get some additional CT scans. Imagine that. AND by a stroke of luck, we were able to get the same Radiologist to read the scans. Things improving.
Friday, Suzanne has a CT scan and a MRI. So much for bad luck on Friday the 13th. MRI of the head shows NO cancer. CT Scan shows no NEW activity, and healing of the bone areas. So---we think that she may have turned the corner on this enemy.

So--how is all of this RV related? HUM---even though my online presence on VAF has been limited, we have continued to talk to clients and support them in their build projects. In addition, we've done some 'interesting' projects for some custom installations. A HUGE help has been from Steve Tschurwald, my partner at Aircraft Specialty, with who we've developed quite a few packages for RV's and others. Steve has be gracious enough to handle quite a few orders for us, when we had orders to do and no physical means of doing them. Same components, same quality, shipped from a different location.

Some of you that we've talked to on the phone or by email were aware of the situation. Out of respect for Suzanne, I didnt post anything, but she did give her permission to post this. So, I'm explaining whats going on, and assure all of you that we are stronger because of the challenge.
Its also given us some time to evaluate things and how to make them better to help all of you. You'll see some of those changes being implemented.

For those of you that knew what was happening, your thoughts and prayers were greatly appreciated and certainly helped. To our DR friends that listened and gave sound advise---it means alot to us to know we can call and ask questions! Yes VAF is an unbelievable resource!

Suzanne will not be at OSH this year---way to soon for her to travel and she is on the downside of her chemo treatments. But I'll be there and hope to see alot of our friends and clients enjoying the great event.


Tom, sorry to hear (read?) this news, glad that she is showing improvement.

Prayers for her...
It?s good to know that there has been some good response to the chemo and radiation Tom. Blessings to you and Suzanne.
Thanks for letting us know. You?re married to a real fighter, and Kelli and I will keep the prayer light switched on bright-flash.
Tom, it's refreshing to hear the positive tone in your update. I know it's been a long 2018 so far.

I would also like to say "thank you". As one of those customers who called on your services in the midst of your family focus, I'm happy to say your work is finally flying! When you and Suzanne are strong again and visiting the Shore, let me know and I'll have the table set :)
So sorry to hear this. Glad she is on the mend! And thanks for all the excellent support.

We haven't met or interacted (yet--when I get to finishing this -10 fuselage that will be a different story!), but cancer has raised its ugly head in my family too, and I wish you and Suzanne the very best in your fight against this insidious enemy.

From what I have seen, one of the greatest weapons available to you other than modern medicine is positive attitude. I can't say enough about the apparent effects of a strong will, positive outlook, and supportive friends and family for the patients in my family. I am wishing you well, and that your battles will be won.

Tom, thank you for the update.

I can't even begin to imagine what a gut check all this has been for you and your wife. Know that Susie and I have you in our prayers and stand ready to help in any way you need. Just tell us where to lift and we're there.

Health issues like this are the biggest and baddest things we usually face in life. It didn't sound promising but you both kept fighting to beat it. It's great to hear that things look very much better.

Back to life now for both of you, with even more appreciation for it I'd guess.

Nothing like cancer to suck the life out of life while you go through the treatments and watching your loved ones go through it is nearly as bad.

The best of health to both of you in the future!
To think, you gave me above and beyond customer service during all this with nary a peep. You are a blessed soul, Tom. You and your wife deserve all the goodness that can be had.

Eff cancer. I HATE cancer.
Welcome news

I'm so glad I chose to call you recently to thank you personally for the hoses you provided. I'm even more appreciative that you felt you could be transparent with me during that call and share the challenges you two were facing. I remember hanging up and feeling such a heavy heart, and then choosing to spend some time in prayer for strength and healing for you and your bride. Thanks for confirming prayers are answered. I think it appropriate I spend some time now giving thanks.

Wow. Prayers sent for continued improvement for your wife and for you to keep being strong for her. Wishing you and Suzanne all the best.
Tom: You shared with me before about Suzanne's battle, and it sounds like good news on all fronts. Even though I haven't had the pleasure of meeting either of you in person (yet) I feel that I know you well through our conversations. I admire Suzanne's courage and your strength and I am very thankful that prayers have been answered so far. May God continue to bless both of you and your family.
Tom-- I'm so sad you and Suzanne are having to go through this. Frankly, having lost a number of friends my age, this kind of thing scares me. I don't know how I would get along without my wife of 48 years. Ross Farnham already expressed my thoughts better than I could.

Thoughts and prayers to both of you!! I can't even begin to imagine what the two of you are going through.

Al Rubin
All--Thank you so much for the kind words, thoughts and prayers. Suzanne was GREATLY moved by the outpouring of love and prayer from all of you. Some of you she knows, most she doesnt. To her, some are names on an email, an invoice, or a shipping label. But certainly, all are friends and family.
Reading some of these last night, she cried tears of joy realizing that none of us are alone, that we all have friends---maybe not in the sense of neighbors, but friends that are part of a tremendous community. Doug and Susie--thank you.

Some of you knew the situation. You know who you are. And without going into details, some of you that are in the medical profession gave some really great advise as to what questions to ask of our Drs. For that, we are grateful, because even though we have a really awesome medical team, they ARE under some constraints set by guidelines and insurance companies. So figuring out ways to get the data was 'unique', but where there is a will, there is a way.

Still a ways to go, but we can see some things changing for the better.

Thanks to all of you.
Tom and Suzanne
Tom, we will keep Suzanne in our prayers. Stay strong and come back with more positive news sir.

God Bless
Sending thoughts and prayers

We have never met or even talked. Your message was heartfelt and I have seen the anxiety families go through being a doctor and delivering the messages from the other side. Your wife's perseverance is awesome and your support is essential. I have worked with Steve, who has been awesome, helping design that "custom package" for the RV10. Much appreciated. You have my thoughts and prayers for you, your wife and family.

Tom and Suzanne,
Prayers for a speedy recovery!
It always amazes me that when I feel good, I can do anything! (mostly) but when I feel bad.....my thoughts go to God, family, friends and chicken soup!
Wishing you both the best and hope the healing continues!
Tom, I deal with patients on a daily basis that have to deal with the "news" that they now have a fight on their hands. It's never easy on either side but you two have risen to the occasion and met it head on. Speaking with you about my projects, I would have never known what you guys were going through. Thank you for the support on my plane and if you ever need support on your end, never hesitate to call.
Tom and Suzanne,
Thank you for the update. Wishing both of you the best with a full recovery for Suzanne. In out prayers.
You guys a much loved.
Tom & Suzanne,

The most powerful medicine I can offer is prayers and lots of them. My family will be praying for yours. Get well soon and God bless!
I was one that you called and emailed in the past few weeks. Amazing! Thank you and glad to hear she?s doing well.
Thoughts are with you both during this tough time. We haven't met, just a very happy customer from down under offering best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Clive Whittfield
New Zealand
Dear Tom,
I'm so sorry to hear about the battle Suzanne and you have found yourself in. I've been there myself and know how difficult it is to be in your shoes as her husband.

I will keep Suzanne and you in my prayers.

God Bless you both.

Wow, Tom!! :( I'm so sorry you're both going through all that, but glad she's turning the corner. What a tough lady. I can't say I'd fight that hard after seeing all of that. I hope to catch up with you at OSH.