
Well Known Member
Here's my situation I've been in for some time now. I'm having the worse time getting my panel to communicate correctly. It consists for dual GRT hx screens, gns 430, sl 30, EIS 4000, GTX327, GMA 240 powered with a VP 100. I've been messing around with the general set up for a couple months and basically going in circles. I have no clue if it's wiring issues of just that fact I'm an idiot and it's all over my head. Most likely the case.
Has anyone ever posted their general set up pages so people can compare settings. Not sure if that would even help since things can be hooked up differently. I'm just at a very lost state. Wondering if I should get a HUB to hopefully eliminate faulty wiring issues. Maybe someone has a good starting point I can try beginning from. I've read the instructions over and over but the more I read the deeper the black hole seems to get. I'm even willing to pay for some experienced help from someone in the southern California area to help weed through the problems. Definitely the most challenging part of my project for me. All is pretty much finished and I'm hoping to fly this summer if this stage can be tackled. Not today though.
Find your nearest EAA chapter, and you will probably find someone that can help. Don't be afraid to call GRT and Vertical Power for help. They are both really great on customer service.
It would help list the issues that you have as it will narrow down the scope of problems. Also don't forget that your 430 and tansponder also has settings that need to be configured correctly for.

As others have said, GRT has been great in helping with settings and if you want to compare some basic settings, I will be happy to go over that with you, though might not be much relevant as wiring needs to match.

Once you configure them right, you will be very happy with the setup. I love my GRT.

Good luck
Wiring ?? Problems

Had a lot of problems with similar equipment except 2 GRT Sports which use an external Airinc 429 module to communicate with my Garmin 420W.

After a month checking wiring and settings GRT told me to record a Demo file on thumb drive and e-mail it to them, they quickly figured out that the Airinc was sending corrupt data. The confusing part was the Airinc sent good engine data from the engine monitor which led us to believe that it was OK however it has two chips inside and one was bad.

Make a "Demo' recording and have GRT analyze it.
As has been mentioned above, the easiest way to get absolute results is to call Carlos at GRT, and let him talk you through a setup. Best it from your cell phone while sitting in the cockpit with an external power supply (so you don't worry about killing the battery). Carlos does this a lot - he's really good at it!

I have helped many folks set up their GRT's locally, and as long as I have a list of what channels are connected to what equipment, it is a piece of cake. Problems arise when folks say that they bought the harness, and have no idea how it is all interconnected - in that case, it's just hunt and peck. So before you call Carlos, have a list of channel interconnects handy -it will really help!

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