
Well Known Member

I'm 2 - 3 days out from assembling / riveting the horizontal stab. All I need to do is to dimple the skins, counter sink the spar doublers in a few places, and mark up the skins with the rivet pattern.

I swear I read in another thread that riveting the inboard ribs to the spars before putting the skins on would alleviate a very awkward riveting process later down the road. I can't find that thread now, but thinking about it I can see how that would be true.

Are there any other tricks or "I should have done it this way" hints out there?

I've used the google site search and variations of the main HS part numbers and haven't come up with much.

Thank you for your time.
I'd suggest doing it the way Van's suggests in the instructions. It seemed to go very smoothly during my build.

Here's my $0.02...rivet the bottom skin of the horizontal stab first. It's almost guaranteed that you'll put a few dings in the skin starting out, and when they're on the underside you'll never notice that they're there when the plane is completed.

By the time you get to the top skin, your riveting technique will show some improvement!