I'm sure this topic exists already, but I can't find it. Please help me maximize the usefulNESS of useful load, without inviting an involuntary rectal exam.

With my wife and I heavily dressed (incl. headsets), a full tank of fuel, and 50 pounds of stuff properly stashed behind "F-1204D CENTER SECTION AFT BULKHEAD" (a.k.a. obvious baggage area), there is still ~65 pounds of untapped useful(?) load, plus a fair bit of empty space forward of the baggage area proper. Numerically speaking, I could put a 50 pound cooler under my wife's butt without creating a weight or balance conflict. Marriage conflict is a whole other matter :rolleyes:.

More realistically, how much can I carry under/behind the seatback without raising eyebrows on a ramp check? How about on/in the center section channel? I'm thinking of installing some sheet metal to more clearly distinguish the baggage area from passenger area.

Your thoughts?
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If you are within your weight and balance calculations, I'm not sure what you're concerned about.. I'm always more concerned about me and my passenger safety, not a ramp check.

A ramp check is unlikely to begin with. A ramp check that involves weighing everything in your airplane to make sure you're withing CG and 1320 lbs is even more unlikely.

I say do whatever modifications you want, assuming you are experimental. For your own safety weigh your airplane afterwards and just make sure your CG is good and weight is less than 1320 when fully loaded. Also, no more than 50 lbs in the baggage area. If you have the passenger seat adjusted forward and you have room to carry something forward of the channel and behind the seat, I think you would be safe adding that weight to your passenger weight for CG calculations.

One other thing.. Not sure how much you have played around with W&B, but just because the baggage area limit is 50 lbs., that doesn't mean you can always put 50 lbs. in the baggage area.. In certain circumstanes my CG is off if I put 50 lbs in the baggage area and fly solo...

Just my opinion...
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I have often wondered exactly what governs the 50lb baggage limit in the -12. I'm guessing floor loading?. I store heavier items in the center channel, or behind seats, and do not consider those items when calculating the 50lb baggage limit.
This is one of the reasons I love my AFS EFIS system. I weigh stuff and then input that weight in the correct station on my EFIS. I watch my CG move around. No reason to take off or land out of CG.
I have often wondered exactly what governs the 50lb baggage limit in the -12. I'm guessing floor loading?. I store heavier items in the center channel, or behind seats, and do not consider those items when calculating the 50lb baggage limit.

Could be floor load limits.. 50 pounds times 4G ( or whatever the plane is rated for). Could be tie down point load limited in the event of a crash.. ask Vans engineers what the limiting factor is if you are that interested.