
Well Known Member
As the delay announced by VANs for delivering my finishing kit had elapsed without news of the delivery, I called and was flabbergasted to learn that they had not received my confirmation and therefore not shipped! After checking, I indeed found out that I had forgotten to send back the confirmation note that VANs had sent me after receiving my order (and taking my $3K deposit). You would think that VANs would call when not receiving such form after a few weeks... Anyway this has been corrected and the shipment is supposed to take place this week. It's not a big deal as the Skyview retrofit will likely take a couple of months to become available, I will have plenty of time to work on the finishing kit. Still, in these days and times, I am surprised that VANs is not trying harder to get their stuff out of the factory; we are talking of a $7K check hanging on a low branch and they make no effort to pick it up! I wonder if it's good or bad news :confused:
Same thing happened with me and the -9A finish kit. I made some changes to the standard kit and apparently didn't send back in one of the forms they sent me. Found it in the pile of paperwork after I called and inquired about the ship date that came and went.

I guess they are busy enough to not have time to follow up with every builder's order paperwork.
Guys..... in Vans defense.... The yellow sheet you recieve about a week after you send your deposit...says in the third sentance in bold "We will not ship your kit until you return a signed verified copy of your order" ...and at the bottom of the page in capitals, bolded and underlined "*THIS IS THE ONLY NOTICE FOR PAYMENT THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE*";)
Guys..... in Vans defense.... The yellow sheet you recieve about a week after you send your deposit...says in the third sentance in bold "We will not ship your kit until you return a signed verified copy of your order" ...and at the bottom of the page in capitals, bolded and underlined "*THIS IS THE ONLY NOTICE FOR PAYMENT THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE*";)

I am inclined to think that the narrative quoted is from another era. I can imagine Dick VanGrunsven in the seventies, upset by customers' messy way to order kits, writing this on the corner of a workbench. This was the time when Ray Stits was providing a 5 sheets of instructions with the plan of his Skycoupe and to those who complained about the lack of details was answering "if you cannot figure it out, you have no business building a plane". This was also a time when the building of a plane was taking sometimes a decade and when the completion rates were abysmal.
I continue to wonder: is this attitude from VANs good news or bad news?
I continue to wonder: is this attitude from VANs good news or bad news?

Due to the fact that Van's is the worlds most successful aircraft kit manufacturer EVER!!! It must be good news.

They just want you to learn to follow instructions. If you can't do that, you will fail at building your aircraft. Would that be Van's fault?

But Van's should have sent you an E-mail.........
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spend more time building the dang airplane and less time complaining about the most successful kitbuilt companies policies like paper bag shipping and not following a single warning. you'll get done faster and be a happier person :)