
Active Member
Quick question:

In the T-38, we have a castle switch on the stick that switches between the CDI view and Moving Map on the MFD. Is there a way to use an external switch to change the views on the GRT Horizon? Thanks!

Not Yet.....

DarinFred said:
Quick question:

In the T-38, we have a castle switch on the stick that switches between the CDI view and Moving Map on the MFD. Is there a way to use an external switch to change the views on the GRT Horizon? Thanks!


Unless there is a feature I haven't discovered yet and I find little Easter Eggs all the time, even after 500+ hours of flying it!), they don't have a remote page chnage....yet! But we've asked for it, and I wouldn't be surprised if its coming in a future release.....

Update from GRT!

I just got a phone call from Mark at GRT (He saw my post and wanted to drop an Easter Egg on me (isn't it great that our manufacturers read and respond to these forums!) - they do, in fact, have page change capability already! He thinks it came in with Version 29, which is current....just uses an analog input with a pull-up resistor to a switch on the stick. I might have to do a little re-wiring on my next rainy day at the airport..... ;)

Thanks again GRT!

Ironflight said:
...I might have to do a little re-wiring on my next rainy day at the airport..... ;)


Gee, We've had plenty of those recently....
