
Curious whether anyone else has encountered this. I recently received the wing kit for my RV-12iS, which was transported by ABF Freight. The spar crate was apparently dropped or run over by something, with the strapping loose and the lid partially open at one end. Although the main spars were undamaged, the flaperon spars and the long rear spar webs apparently slipped out of the crate and were mangled and torn. I filed a damage claim with ABF, with photos and an invoice for replacements (not much money involved - only about $260). Today I received an email from ABF stating they had approved my claim and are sending a check - for 1/3 of the claimed amount! I don’t have much experience with LTL freight companies. Is this standard operating procedure? I have a request for explanation submitted, but haven’t heard back. Anyone else experienced this?
I seem to recall that Vans would often help in dealing with damage claims. Are they not able to handle that currently with everything going on? I don’t know if what you’re experiencing is normal, but I wouldn’t cash the check and I’d get
Them to replace the damaged items. At the very least please let Vans know. I believe they factor this sort of issue into their freight provider decision making process.
I seem to recall that Vans would often help in dealing with damage claims. Are they not able to handle that currently with everything going on? I don’t know if what you’re experiencing is normal, but I wouldn’t cash the check and I’d get
Them to replace the damaged items. At the very least please let Vans know. I believe they factor this sort of issue into their freight provider decision making process.
My first contact after seeing the damage was with Vans. They said I would need to reorder the parts at my expense, and then submit a claim with ABF for reimbursement. They were able to arrange free shipping (by truck again due to length). Replacements are on the way (unfortunately with ABF again!).
Ten years ago, ABF damaged my wing kit (-12) . The box didn't show obvious damage, but a fork had penetrated and broke a chunk out of one main spar. I didn't note anything on the bill of lading and ABF denied my claim. I called Van's and talked to Barb (now retired) and she handled the claim. Always inspect and note damage, list damage on the BOL, before you accept delivery. Always contact Vans and let them know what is going on. ABF is on my black list.
My RV-12iS power plant kit was shipped with ABF and was damaged in a train derailment. Van's notified me and they sent me a new power plant kit a few months later. I never had to get involved. I did get an invoice for the second PP kit but was told to ignore it as ABF would pay it. It is interesting that the amount of this invoice was about 1/3 of what the pp kit cost in total. Similar to what jsalley was going to be reimbursed by ABF.

When the second kit arrived (in great shape) the driver did not even ask me to sign anything.

Resolution - After numerous emails and many more photos of the damaged crate and parts, ABF reconsidered and is now going to pay the full claim. They explained that they don't consider "concealed" damage their responsibility, and pay 1/3 of the cost as a courtesy. The photos of the undisturbed crate as delivered, and the absolutely mangled condition of the damaged parts, apparently changed their mind. Good outcome, but leaves me with a bad taste for ABF.
If , whenever practical, you can pick up at nearest ABF facility. It saves on shipping and you can inspect on site. Only drawback is having to move crate yourself from ABF to your residence/hangar. ( their warehouse folks actually loaded for me)
I had my Ford Ranger Pick Up so not an issue for my fuselage and later the finishing kit for my RV-7.