
Well Known Member
Okay,,, another stupid freaking mistake.... (I feel like I confess my sins here at least once a week)

Closed up all my empennage last week after the "pre-cover" inspection, this week I've been fitting fiberglass and testing fit of the empennage components.

heres the aarrrgg (besides the rudder eye's not allowing the rudder to swing without interference at the top of the vs).....the inboard elevator hinges are one set of holes too far towards the out board end. Sooooo,, the elevator does not line up for installation.

a possible solution, drill out the rivets and re-install the inboard hinges with BSPQ 5-4 pops?.... I really don't want to take the hs apart. While I'm waiting on 18:30 est to pass so I can call Vans,,, anyone think this would be okay?

I'd let Van's be the authority on the pop rivet solution. They may OK it.

But even if you're looking at the near-worst case solution, it's not that bad. Drill out a handful of rivets on the BOTTOM skin-to-spar and skin-to-root rib. Just enough so you can peel the skin away from the skeleton and reach in to buck solid rivets. When you're done, squeeze new rivets along that edge and call it a day.

Lesson learned, you'll never make that mistake again, but it's not that bad. Press on!
I agree with Dan....but definitely let us know what Van's says - you've made me curious!

Okay boys,,,, a BSPQ5-4 would not do. A structural (read cherry max) would work, but can't recommend one that would do. Sooooo,,,,, the Dan's have it,, I'm gonna unzip the skin,,, and do it again.

doh! bad, etc. etc.

"son you're gonna drive me ta drinkin, if ya don't stop drivin that hot rod lincoln"