
Well Known Member
Ok, I understand what Dual Watch is and it seems to work correctly now on the A210 with the new firmware....

Why are their two speed settings, one for DualWatch and one for Priority?

What is the other one for????
Here is the answer from Icom's tech support:

"Hi Brian,

When there is no activity on either the active or standby freq. with the radio in dual watch the scan rate between the two is determined by the Dual Watch Interval.

When there is activity on the standby freq. the Priority Interval determines the rate the radio interrupts the standby freq. to look at the active freq. for activity.

Thank you,

Rick Waedekin Sr., N9PMR
Technical Support Representative

ICOM America, Inc.
2380 116th Ave. NE
Bellevue, WA 98004
Ph. (425) 450-6087
Fax (425) 637-8417"