Bob Gordon

Active Member
Son Matt and I had been planning a trip to southern New England and a
high pressure system just offered us three days of travelling
opportunity. We jumped at the chance on Dec 27. Flew from 33N up and over JFK
direct to KIJD (Windham, CT) at 7500 feet, just above the broken to
overcast layer. We witnessed neat examples of the plane's shadow
and "glory" (anthelion) as it jumped along the top of the layer.
Flight following pointed out a Piper retract at 1 o'clock that
eventually intersected our path. While overtaking, we slid in back
of him and pulled away at 50 to 60 kts, according to NYC Approach.
Ya gotta love it. The undercast cleared away as we dove into central
CT near the Connecticut River area.

First night was with family and a good time was had by all. After
the hard frost melted away the next morning, we made the 25 minute flight to Newport
State (UUU) and hopped a taxi ($13 - $15) to the old town section.
Walked the multitude of shops and restaurants and took in the
history. The local trolley system took us to the cliff walk on the
eastern side of the island. A marvelous view of the Bay for 3 1/2
miles, while walking past the Breakers and other huge mansions. It
was so calm we heard the distant lobster boat playing that beloved
western song, "I Love This Bar".

Lunch back in Newport town, then off to HFD (Hartford, CT) for
another RON with family. Lodging and meals don't get any better than
this. The next morning we scooted over western CT to MGJ (Orange
County, NY) for lunch at Rick's Runway Cafe. The waitress brings
over a big chalkboard with selections of the day. We saw much
traffic in the pattern, including an amphib Cub (amphibicub?). I
called ahead to check about a crew car and it worked. Turned out to
be my first experience with a H1 Hummer. Matt says geez I spent my
last year driving these in Iraq and I can't get away from them. A
neat ride nevertheless - to Orange County Choppers about 3 miles
away. One sees many bikes on display that are made during the shows
on TV. Originality and craftmanship at it's finest. Bought the
shirt, took pictures. Everybody wants Mikey for President up there.

The ride home included the required 700 foot tour of the Husdon River
north to south and a wave to the Lady. Many, many helicopters at 3
pm on Friday. Yee haw. After punching out at the Verrazano Narrows
Bridge, the ride home was calm and Matt again took over for a while.
He does well and adapted quickly to the sensitive inputs.
Masterfully avoided Philly's Class B I might add. We were the only
ones in the pattern back at 33N. I let the prop unload our remaining
energy and once again completed a large circuit, "out there" and
