Allan Stern

Well Known Member
Saturday turned out to be a great day to RVATE. Since I am trying to overcome my anxiety about traveling out from my home airport (DWU) and locating other airports and talking to ATC I decided that I was going to attend the flyin at Lebonon Tennesee (M54).

The trip was uneventful except I did have some good headwinds going, speed was around 95/110 kts. Found the airport and had a nice time visiting and seeing the other RV's. After all I have to have my $100.00 burger don't I?

Was getting ready to leave, had refueled and was on the taxi way preparing for run up when my 6A seemed to be hit with a terrible blast of wind. So I shut down and got out to investigate and found out my front tire had gone FLAT! :mad: Great, two hours from home and I am not anticipating that something could happen to ground me. Anyway I got a helping hand from Randy Hooper and another pilot named Robert (cannot remember last name). We got plane off taxi way, took off the tire and Robert drove me into town to find a inner tube patch kit. (Harder than one might think these days) Got back to airport patched the tube, reassembled the tire and got it back on and I was good to go. I wanted to thank these two gentlemen for all the help they provided me especially since I was the last to leave.

So now I will carry a spare tube with me, as those lamb tubes are hard to comeby, and a few more tools to be able to take the tires off.

Heading home I had 163 kts and 1 1/2 hours enroute.
Glad to help

Allan, I am glad we were able to get you back on your way. It's a lonesome feeling to have a problem away from home. I know that to be a fact so I always want to provide what ever assistance I can.
I will tell Robert Redmon about your post since he doesn't monitor this forum.
We're all glad things worked out well and hope to see you at next years fly-in.
Speaking of which....

....It also happened to me Saturday....came back from lunch and saw a flat front. We aired it up and I flew home real quick....7 minutes and landed OK.

I had a spare tire and tube but man, I must've fought that tube for an hour, trying to poke it back in away from the split wheel halves and finally got it all around.

What technique have some of you guys found to make the tube not get pinched?

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Use a bicycle pump...

to add JUST enough air to round out the tube inside the tire before putting the wheel halves together. And of course a bit of talc on the tube and in the tire for lubrication.
Someone around here posted this method and it works great.

With one wheel half and the tube installed, clamp the tire down so it's just past the wheel half. Install the other half, bolt, and undo the clamps. It's very easy.


Glad you made it home safe. As you are extending your range, soon it will be time to visit your daughter.
