
Well Known Member

On 9-20-2008 my wife and I took a week long trip to New England and Canada. She had a conference in Boston from the afternoon of 20th to the morning of 24th. We left early and flew through beautiful sun rise over Appalachian. Since our son attended the same conference, he was in Boston too. On Sunday I let him fly left seat to Martha's Vineyard for lunch. On the 24th, wife and I flew to Bar Harbor and toured Acadia National Park from air and on land. The next day, we stop by Mt Washington and hope to tour the mountain from air. The cloud and haze eliminated that possibility. So we filled tanks with cheaper American fuel before heading to Quebec City. Upon reaching the border, it was quite a strange feeling when most of the chatter on the radio were French. We got to tour the old city and had relaxing lunch in front of Chateau Frontenac with a harp player behind us on the side walk.

From Quebec City, we stop by Ottawa (Carp) to visit an RV-9A builder and his wife. They invited us to stay with them. Last time when he came to Cincinnati for a meeting, I was going to give him his first RV-9A ride. Unfortunately, snow stopped it. This time the low ceiling (less than 1000') cancelled another attempt. We had great time with him and his wife.
On Saturday and Sunday, bad weather extended our entire route of flight. We filed IFR and flew from Carp to St Catharines/Niagara District airport. By the time we arrived, the ceiling over the runway was only 200'. However, right outside the runway, the ceiling was 1,800'. We landing with no problem at all. Our original plan was to fly the VFR tour route over Niagara Falls (3,500'). Ceiling on Sunday was 2,000', no air tour for us this time. We filing IFR from St Catharines to Cleveland International and made the custom appointment right on time. Another hour flight, we got home at safely at noon.

In eight days we traveled 2000 nm and have done so much. This is what I built my RV-9A for. For those of you still building, hope our venture motivates you to finish your RV soon.

Pictures of the trip:

Going to Boston

Lunch at Martha's Vineyard

Boston to Bar Harbor

Acadia National Park

Bar Harbor, Mt Washington to Quebec City

Quebec City

Quebec City to Ottawa

Ottawa and trip to St Catharines

Niagara and Back
Ted, it look like a fantastic trip.

I would like to do the same some time, but my wife will only travel with me if I don't go over water or fly IFR.
A question on your plane. A picture of the cockpit left side showed a white block on the side support structure, just under the eyeball light. What is that? Maybe I need one of those.


The white block is a cup holder. I am sure your wife would like that (my wife does).

Thanks for your outstanding trip report.
I liked it very much and my wife loved it.

Great pictures,
Great write up Ted

Great report Ted.
One question: "How come I didn't see any pictures of your beautiful "daughter" ?:)
great pics

Nice pics Ted. You were flying over my neck of the woods when you were in the Massachusetts / Maine area, so I recognize all of the areas.

Whenever people come to visit, I offer them an aerial tour of the coast from Portsmouth to Portland. If they are up for making a day of it I take them up the coast to Bar Harbor. We stop and have lunch in Bar Harbor then fly around Mt. Desert Island (pronounced dessert), do a low pass by Bass Harbor light and island hop back down the coast.

It's a pretty place, and I am very happy when other RVers come up and appreciate it.
Great report Ted.
One question: "How come I didn't see any pictures of your beautiful "daughter" ?:)


My "daughter" was the one taking pictures! While I was over your area on Sunday morning, I did not hear chatter from you guys.


Your area is beautiful! We flew low over the entire route to get better views. Since we live in Portsmouth, Ohio, we had to take pictures of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Great Trip Report

Hi Ted,
Thanks for taking the time to document your recent trip with your photo albums. I especially like the way you placed the cover sheet on each album with your APRS track map. That's a great idea.
I also noticed some of your other albums. Your RV is definitely a travelling machine!
Looking forward to some more photo albums of your trips.
Open Invitation

Thanks Ted. I am fortunate to live in such a beautiful area.

If you get back in this neck of the woods I would be very happy to fly with you up to Mt. Washington and Katahdin. Katahdin has a very unique shape from the back side that no one seems to photograph. Basically it looks like a giant volcanic crater that has been blow out on one side. In reality the "crater" was formed by the head of a glacier in the last ice age. Pretty neat stuff.
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A picture of the cockpit left side showed a white block on the side support structure, just under the eyeball light. What is that?
Is that an Altoids-tin iPod amplifier just forward of the cupholder?
nince to meet you

It was great to meet Ted and his wife at my home field. We don't have many RV drop ins. I was very inspired by the fact that he was actually traveling a long distance in his plane. Seems to me that most plane owners just fly around the patch. I was also inspired by his IFR capability when he was able to depart in weather that would have been lousy for VFR. I hope to do my first flight today. When I get many hours behind me then I just might work on that IFR requirement. Thanks for the inspiration!

It was a pleasure to meet you at Carp. Best wishes on your first flight. I assume Kevin is free today to do the flight. Please PM me with your email address. I will send you some of the pictures we took of you.

Best wishes on your first flight. I assume Kevin is free today to do the flight.
Actually, I'm not doing the first flight. I didn't meet the requirements of Andrew's insurance company, as I did not do formal RV transition training. I did a tail wheel refresher with a local CFI, and a bunch of circuits with a coworker in his RV-6. Good enough to satisfy myself, but I don't have hull insurance on the aircraft.

Andrew - good luck with the flight testing.