
Well Known Member

I don't have any exotic trip to report since I'm not close to being out of Phase I testing, but the forum category says trip write-ups can motivate a builder. So here's some payback. It was just a little cross country hop -- the first such cross country for the plane. Nothing happened, I took off at a few airports, landed at a few others, and otherwise noticed that the world that seems so hopeless if you pay attention on the ground, seems much lovelier if you pay attention to your flying.

More on the blog.

As I was on one particularly leg, the communication frequency of my next airport allowed me to listen in on a bunch of others. I heard an RV-4 headed for landing in Winstead, MN. I'm not really sure where Winstead is, but I felt as if a long-lost relative had been found, similar to when you travel foreign lands -- Wisconsin comes to mind -- and meet someone from the same state. I like that, though I didn't hop on the radio and say, "hey, RV-4! I'm in an RV-7A!" What would be the point of that other than I'd sound like some kid trying to get an autograph?

Incidentally, if there's anyone building an RV on the fields in my test area, I'd love to drop down and see it.
I have wanted to reach out on the radio and talk to other RVs as I hear them as well. I have yet to do it but I am sure I will give in to temptation sooner or later!
Bob, I read your blog. Nice write up, great finish. Isn't it great to wite about "Hey, I jst flew around for an hour or so, nothing exciting to talk about"? Glad to see all of the gremlins are being beat back.
Next time make the call to the other RV.

I just did it 2 weeks ago.
I heard: "flight of 2 RV's 10miles south of Three Forks for a touch and go"

I responded: RV south of Three Forks this is RV-7 northbound over Canyon Ferry 6500' radio check complete, you're loud and clear" (we were roughly 40miles apart).
He responded: "5x5 for you too, thanks"

I was happy, they were happy...and the rest of the world knew: RV's like to fly!
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Bob, I grew up in so MN, Austin. Reading your blog of all those familiar cities was fun. By the way, at the Owatonna airport you can call Cabellas and they will send a car over for you and give you a return ride too free! My brother and I did that from Mpls in his Diamond last year.
Radio Hook-up!


In 1996 I started flying my RV6. I would, and still do, call over 122.75 'any RVs up?' even back in those days I could find someone up and flying. I met and still meet other like minded pilots this way. Those radio calls made me some lifetime friends, and led to some unplanded food trips.

I have never done that in other airplanes.,,,, seems that RVs bring people together. Make the call.
Exotica or Minnesota erotica

The state with 10,000 lakes (actually about 19,000) can be exotica. Like skinny dipping in the moon light. :)

At least Minnesota is getting some rain this summer. This part of Missouri will be classified extreme draught by weeks end. Kansas hit 114F yesterday and that bubble of hot air is moving east.

Enjoy the flying, Bob. You've earned it.

Welcome to the wonderful world of E-AB flying and flight test! I'm 30 hrs into flight testing a friends RV-8A and on Friday afterwork took a similiar trip in the test area... Troutdale-Lebanon-Corvallis-Tillamook-Salem-Scappoose- refuel ($5.20/gal) then back to Troutdale. 262 NM in 2 hrs, cruising along at 8500 ft. Checked out LOP operation and fuel consumption data. RV life is good! :cool:
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Bob it's been so long in coming, with fits and starts along the way, enjoy it my friend!

You've earned it the hard way and I for one am jealous.