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Well Known Member
This is a rather long and probably boring post prompted by Chads Test thread about a non RV topic. I think it important to discuss at length because the issue at hand can significantly affect the website and its value to us as experimental builders, owners, pilots, and someday wanabees.

Including Doug there are 31 moderators. The reasons Doug chose the other 30 are not entirely clear to us but it is his website so we serve at his pleasure. His only directive to us was keep it clean of spam, keep it civil and as much as possible keep subjects in the proper categories as well as consolidate duplicate threads. All of these are essential to clean operation of the search function except for keep it civil which is self explanatory.

None of us have been given any clear cut solid guidance as to appropriate content other than common sense. In this respect we are like FSDO?s ask 31 moderators and you will get 25 opinions.

You will note that very few posts are moderated in the overall scheme of things and most of the deleting we do is automated spam that sneaks through.

It should be clear that to post rules for moderators that cover all eventualities would yield a manual several inches thick and still not cover all eventualities. I tend to only address issues of civility, politics, and vendor bashing. On occasion if something sort of bothers me I ask for input from a few other moderators and follow consensus which is usually don?t delete.

I think on balance given there are 31 with a delete button we are doing very little moderation. This is mainly because there are very few posters who step over the boundaries that most of us on the forum agree upon.

As a comment on the suggestion that we have an anything goes off topic forum I have only an example to offer.

CPA (Cessna Pilots Association) is (was) the largest aircraft ?type? organization in the world. It had a large (I think 16,000 strong) community of frequent posters many of whom became good internet friends. It was a wonderful valuable forum for Cessna owners. They had only 2 or 3 moderators. You can imagine with that many posters there was a lot of less than desirable content that went un-moderated.

During the election of 2000 the political commentary started creeping in. Something along the lines of ?that won?t happen if A is elected?. You can imagine the responses going down hill from there. Things would get absolutely nasty before a moderator would intervene.

The solution should have been addition of more moderators and a no tolerance of politics policy.

But many of us (me included) thought the solution should be an off topic anything goes section. WE WERE WRONG. Within 6 months the vicious animosity and venom that this section engendered destroyed hundreds of friendships, reduced forum participation to a fraction of what it once was and spawned at least 2 breakaway organizations. All 3 organizations combined are nowhere near as valuable as the original was.

As we head into another contentious election cycle we need to leave well enough alone and not trod down this often followed and disastrous path.

I too have posts of mine deleted and do not like it. Most often in retrospect they were inappropriate sometimes however I see no justification and take offense. You cannot please everybody all of the time especially in a club of mostly alpha males.

There is no perfect solution to this problem but the system we currently have works pretty well. I have no doubt that, on a daily basis, Doug reviews the moderation that occurs and if any of us become consistently inappropriate in our moderation he will address the issue with the offending moderator.

It would be nice to see the views of the other moderators on these issues. That is if one of them does not delete this thread.
Thanks Milt.

When I was setting this board up I initially wanted to use a semi-mold of the iPod Lounge forum for rules, which uses the same software (140,000 registered as I write this). The rules are very detail....and about 30 pages long. Go see for yourself.

I ended up going another civil and try to keep it RV. It's amazing how good this setup works. It's a testiment to the RV community, I might add.


ps: I doubt I'll ever agree to a dedicated 'off topic' section. Just delutes the knowledge base too much, imho.
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Sex, politics, and religion

I agree that we need to keep things on topic. For me the big taboos are sex, politics, and religion. I have a lot to say about all three, but to be quite honest, I can't imagine anyone here would be interested in my opinions. I'm also not sure I want to read others opinions about them on this forum - I prefer to continue under the illusion that you all have exactly the same opinion as I do. :)
I for one, have no problem with keeping the content closely related to RV's and the RV family of friends. I enjoy seeing the posts about new family members and important news about members of this group. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of the folks that come here for information and friendship feel the same way. If I want to discuss politics and religion I have plenty of in-laws to start a fight with.:rolleyes: Thanks to all of you that keep this a great place to visit.
Just a heads up...

The other thread on this topic was locked down at the request of the original poster.

Just trying to beat the conspiracy theorists to the punch ;):D

This is like RV Whack-a-mole. There was a thread in another part of the forum -- the test area, a place to put OT posts ... a place that's cleaned out every 30 days. That forum topic is closed... and so now it pops up here... a place that is permanent, even though it has nothing to do with building RVs.

Lucy, Ricky?
Agree with most

I agree with Milt on virtually everything. This is a fairly sane Forum. If you want to see one where they eat their young, check out OMG.

Here I would love to see a MANDATORY signature box that is required before the registration is accepted. And, anyone that doesn't have one has to re-register. We are all friends here and it is nice to see the posters name, city and state and aircraft building or flying.

I would also like to see a "garage sale" section. In other words a section where RVer's can post things for sale that aren't airplane related. I know many that have liquidated items to help feed the RV project. I know there was a poll a long time ago and it didn't pass. I think it should be revisited. If will benefit a fellow RVer then why not. I think it would benefit many.
Well said Milt, well said.

I too am against an "off topic" area for many of the reasons you have cited. I was once an active member of a non-flying/RV forum which started one (an OT area) at the request of many members. It began inoccently enough, with the first round of threads being just somewhat or slightly off-topic, but over time grew to the point of anything goes, and I mean anything. Eventually it became the forum, consuming and overshadowing the forum's original purpose. I would rue the day VAF became that way, and I think the easiest solution is just not to start one in the first place (but DR already said that).
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Moderate this!

Of all the things that could be moderated out of here, politics, religion and sex I would like to see added to this list (just a wish list) one more item. Off topic non RV related incidence reports. I don't feel that there is any reason to report any kind of wrecked aircraft anywhere on this site. Also I feel that we do way to much armchair speculating as a group without having the facts in front of us. While I'm thinking of it there's a whole bunch of thread drift could be moderated out of here.
I agree. There are many outlets for non RV posts like the one that started the debate. I even thought to myself that that post should be deleted.

I use the RSS feed to see new topics, and at times the number of new/dupicate/slightly different threads can create a lot of noise. After my recent trip to Oshkosh for 3 days, I came back to over 200 new threads waiting in my feed reader. I wound up reading maybe 20.

There is lots of good content on this site, let's not dilute it.
I for one think the moderators here do a fantastic job - that, even though I have not always agreed with them and have personally been "moderated." :D

You are volunteers, it is a thankless job (for which I will say, "Thank You!" anyway), and your "principles" based approach ends up being superior to a "rules" based approach 99 times out of 100.

As a non-RV guy I too would like to see something like a "Garage Sale" area, at least for non-RV but home built aviation related. Simple fact is that we have more in common than in differences, and as the largest home built community you attract far more people than just RV owners and builders.


Milt, I'm with you on all points, well said. Doug's vision for the VAF forums has proven valid, your post captures most of the reasons why, and your Cessna community example is an excellent one.

Someone suggested the idea of a "garage sale" section for non-RV stuff. Personally, I'd avoid that and in fact there's a better place for that stuff anyway...
Ironically, Politics can be On Topic

I think this forum works great as is.

When I want to discuss politics I go to my favorite gun forum, Which is kind of ironic. :rolleyes:

Does anyone else think that RV pilots should have a place on our own forum to discuss aviation legislation that affects us, the FAA, and the politicians that create that legislation?

One could argue that the aopa forum is good for that, but experimental pilots like us are definitely in the minority there.

Milt, I'm with you on all points, well said. Doug's vision for the VAF forums has proven valid, your post captures most of the reasons why, and your Cessna community example is an excellent one.

Someone suggested the idea of a "garage sale" section for non-RV stuff. Personally, I'd avoid that and in fact there's a better place for that stuff anyway...

Just ask Bob Collins about Craigs least if we had our own garage sale area, we would have a rough idea that we were dealing with honest people like ourselves. If you don't want to look at it you don't have to. In the years I have been on this site, reading and dealing with thousands of people, I have only come across one truly bad apple.......
Back up and take a breath!

I agree. There are many outlets for non RV posts like the one that started the debate. I even thought to myself that that post should be deleted.

There is lots of good content on this site, let's not dilute it.

I agree that that this is no place for postings on the "big 3", ads for or about spam cans, and non-RV drivel. However, I think that our moderator(s) do a very good job of overseeing the site, and having ironclad rules limiting postings to only topics specifically RV would be a detriment to our group. I read this string the other day
Definitely a non-RV topic, but I do not remember anyone complaining. Personally, I was very appreciative of the poster taking time to let us know about this unfortunate accident. Does anyone feel that this string should have been precluded?
I believe that anyone starting a new string should make it very clear in the subject line what the string is about. No one is forcing you to left click twice on any topic!
Maybe I am old school, but if ocassionally one of our members wants to post up requesting information about a unique aircraft, we should welcome it.
Seriously, if a posting about an antique biplane upsets you, maybe you need to try the next size Fruit of the Loom's!
P.S. Brent, I was not targeting you specifically. Your message was echoed by others, and I just wanted to add a quote.
I don't think I still have moderator privileges, but let me take a stab at it anyway:

Guys, RELAX!

There's real life going on out there and this ain't it. We need to take a deep breath about all of this on both sides and try to maintain some perspective and humor here.

I just got an email that someone who says he's been banned for agreeing with my joke about "irony." I checked and, yep, he was banned. But I don't know why and in the big scheme of things, I guess it doesn't matter. That it gets to that level suggests we've got a little too miscalibrated.

Folks, we're taking life a little too seriously today, so I'd like you all to spend just a couple of minutes to indulge me. Don't hit REPLY yet, don't BAN me, don't delete me.

Instead, just click this link and spend a few minutes reading.

Then come back onto the forum and see if you don't have a bit of different view of things.

Please and thank you.
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Here is a list of your forum moderators

Asberry, Mel xx
Brasch, Glen x
Buchanan, Sam x
Burgess, Ross x
Checkoway, Dan x x
Collins, Bob x
Concannon, Milt x
Daves, Russ x x x x
Dye, Paul x
Ferraro, Joe x
Gray, Rick x x x x xx
Hegy, Roberta x
Hull, Don x
King, Danny x
Lervold, Randy x x
Oliver, Brad x
Pardue, Larry x
Pratt, Chris x
Reddick, Mike x
Reeves, Doug x
Rosales, Paul x
Schmidt, Scott x
Starkey, Mike x
Stewart, Mike x x
Sutter, Martin x x
Syracuse, Vic x x x x
Thocker, Jon x x xx
Vincent, Craig x
Wallis, Brian x

Many of these folks are repeat builders. An 'x' means they have owned,
built (or are building) a particular model. An 'xx' indicates they have owned/built two!

Yes Bob you are still one of us. Also I cannot acces your link above could you please re post it.
Non RV Topic!

Well that's odd. Try going here first.

It's just so incredibly sad.

Thanks for posting the link to the Caring Bridge site for Alan Henley. It had been a few days since I had checked on his status. " incredibly sad" just does not convey the horrific turn that life can take in an instant.
We as aviators accept a certain amount of risk in our pursuit of our love of flight. But, when a freak accident like this happens, it is just so very hard to wrap ones mind around.

It was sad watching the Aeroshell Team do their show at OSH with only 3 planes. Most people didn't even notice the missing plane.
My .02 on moderation

Something that I'd like to see is an email or private message from the moderator involved explaining why a particular post or thread was changed or deleted.
Milt, I'm with you on all points, well said. Doug's vision for the VAF forums has proven valid, your post captures most of the reasons why, and your Cessna community example is an excellent one.

Someone suggested the idea of a "garage sale" section for non-RV stuff. Personally, I'd avoid that and in fact there's a better place for that stuff anyway...

I agree with Randy on the "Garage Sale" area. There are plenty of places to go to buy, sell and trade non-aircraft items. Let's keep this strictly aviation and more specifically - RV.
If anything, I'd like to see more moderation. The recent thread on the FAA NPRM about Experimentals rapidly deteriorated into a bash-fest of the FAA and government in general. Very few on-topic comments there!

Yeah, I understand that pilots tend to be conservative and I no longer am. But VAF is a welcome respite from politics. Or mostly is. Please keep it that way.

For a real garbage pit, try the Usenet rec.aviation.* groups. They used to be tolerable but in the last couple of years have gotten so bad most of the good posters left for web-based forums like this.

And yeah, like the others, I don't see the need for new sub-forums here on non-RV stuff.

While it would be nice to have an explanation of a deleted post, I also understand that gets burdensome on the moderators. Keep doing it, guys and gal.
Good Idea

.........Here I would love to see a MANDATORY signature box that is required before the registration is accepted. And, anyone that doesn't have one has to re-register. We are all friends here and it is nice to see the posters name, city and state and aircraft building or flying......

I second the motion, your honor!:)
I'd 2nd the request for at least an explanation. Honestly, 'moderating', as defined here, is just a euphemism for censoring. The inevitable result is like what happens to the guy who throws the 2nd punch, especially with political posts.

No matter how fair a moderator tries to be, personal bias will creep in. A statement is overlooked because there's subconscious agreement, then the contrary response is 'moderated' (censored). Maybe the 1st step when reaching for the censor key should be to back up & read the previous post in the thread.

A much more moderate form of moderating perceived offensive language might be to to offer a chance to revise the language in the post.

What stays and what goes is a tough one. It can't be all black and white. If we go by all the rules then we would have missed out on Doug's pink scooter! There are many off topic non-rv related threads that pop up from time to time that are good for the soul. I'm just glad I don't have to be the responsible one for the moderating! I say double your salary!:rolleyes:
Time well spent

Hey Guys... I've got to say we are right in the middle of a GREAT bunch of folks.. and just about everyday I (or you) read something fantastic and learn something and are able to pass the knowledge on in our personal lives somewhere maybe perhaps.... anyways..... Even though a lot of us work all day and study or build or whatever at night... the guys and gals who are lucky enough to browse the forums in their free time are here because they enjoy it. I've got to say I look forward every day to reading and learning on the forums. I teach or study all day in the aviation field because it's my personal passion. At the end of the day I still love to turn on the confuser and come here and read and relax. I've not had to do too many terrible things to people here, and the maturity and goodwill of the readers shines through. We the moderators have a responsibility upon our shoulders to keep this place civil and family friendly. Instead of a huge book like the FAR/AIM, we just use a touch of common sense and judgement to moderate the forum. Thankfully not too many spammers or bad people have gotten through for long when they do. I look at it as exactly like a FOD walk... if everybody picks up a pebble.... we save the bird and the mission. Congratulations to everybody for doing their part and making this an incredible place to share in knowledge and friendship. Sooooooo at the end of the day, I'd have to say time here is time well spent.
Brian Wallis
Some statistics relative to moderation. For perspective consider the forum has 2 MILLION page views per month. I do not know how many posts or threads are made per month.

In the last 12 months 14 threads were deleted 1 by its originator and 1 because it was duplicated in more than 1 section. That leaves an average of 1 thread per month deleted.

In the last year 249 posts were deleted. 80% of these were deleted by the poster him/herself. That translates into about 4-5 posts per month on average deleted by moderators for various reasons.

Reasons for deletion were duplicate posts, spam, offensive, innappropriate language or behavior, and non RV related.

Of the reasons non RV related was the smallest category.

Of the offensive/innappropriate category 90% can be traced to 3 or 4 chronic offenders.

90% of the time when a post has been deleted the originator has received a PM as to the reason why.

Most of the deletions that do not include a reason belong to those chronic offenders and by now they should know the reason without being told.

I could find no statistics on posts that were edited by moderators but memory suggests to me it was for removal of less than civil language or political commentary from a post that otherwise was contributory to the forum.

Granted some of the moderation, in my opinion, has been overly strict and when your post is the one being moderated it is 100% moderation the above suggests a really miniscule amount of moderation considering the volume of traffic on the forum.
I just got an email that someone who says he's been banned for agreeing with my joke about "irony." I checked and, yep, he was banned. But I don't know why and in the big scheme of things, I guess it doesn't matter. That it gets to that level suggests we've got a little too miscalibrated

I was going to let this one be but I have recieved several comments via e mail, my website, and PMs relative to "the banning" some of them just inquiries, some less than civil and accusatory, some withs lists of members they think should be banned and some worried they will be banned for minor slips of the finger while typing.

I have answered them all I hope to the satisfaction of the senders but I am worried that this thread and Chads have put a chill on what people will post and may discourage posting for fear of retribution.

The above mentioned poster was banned for 6 months for continued chronic innappropriate behavior not for agreeing with Bob's post. He is one of the gang of 4 mentioned above as being a chronic offender.

Since inception of the forum 116 posters have been banned all of them permanently. As best I can tell all but 10 of these were automated spammers. Of the 10 that were banned by moderators most were non automated spammers and the remaining were truly belligerent nasty individuals.

There have been a few other time limited bannings one of which being the person mentioned above who in general have much to contribute to the forum but sometimes get carried away by their passion and type things they probably wouldn't ordinarily type.

So I hope given all of the above statistics no one will hesitate to post what they wish out of fear of moderation, suspension , or being banned. These indeed are rare occurrences especially suspension and banning.
Since inception of the forum 116 posters have been banned all of them permanently. As best I can tell all but 10 of these were automated spammers. Of the 10 that were banned by moderators most were non automated spammers and the remaining were truly belligerent nasty individuals.
Very approximately that matches my long experience with the aviation groups on Usenet (rec.aviation.*). That is, the off-topic or offensive posts are mostly spammers with just a handful of really obnoxious repeat offenders. Since the rec.aviation groups are mostly not moderated it's a real jungle. I use a very good news reader for Usenet and successfully screen out most of the junk, but many of the good people get discouraged and leave. VAF is by far the best aviation forum I've seen and I believe that's because of the basic tone DR set at the beginning, and the moderators who keep it that way. So a big thanks to all of you. :D
Thanks Milt!

Milt, as a moderator who doesn't have the time that you took to do the research, I thank you for digging up some statistics. It shows what I usually tell people - while people think that VAF is the way it is due to busy moderation, it is truly what it is due to the quality of the majority of the folks here. There is very little moderating going on, because very little is needed.

Milt, as a moderator who doesn't have the time that you took to do the research, I thank you for digging up some statistics. It shows what I usually tell people - while people think that VAF is the way it is due to busy moderation, it is truly what it is due to the quality of the majority of the folks here. There is very little moderating going on, because very little is needed.


*thinks he might be one of 'the four'*

Me too.

This forum is uniquely civil in my experience. I don't post much, so I've not been deleted to my knowledge. If I were, I'm willing to go with it. Keep up the good work.

Miller McPherson
RV-6 900+ hours,
Cascabel, AZ
Soon to make the end-of-summer trip back to NC.
There is very little moderating going on, because very little is needed.
...because VAF is moderated.
It would be an interesting experiment to do: quietly cease moderation and measure how long VAF becomes unbearable. I would guess one or two months. A tiny few can indeed spoil it for the less boisterous majority.

You rock!! This may not be the longest thread on this site, but it may be the longest in two days!! I agree with your first post (I read them all) and I think that, like many, I check in with this website frequently for one reason. To read, learn, and share with like-minded RV folks, and guys I used to know (like you) about what for most of us is a passion. There are places for political commentary, sex, etc...., but this is not it. In my effort to finish and test-fly me RV-8 before the snow flies, I don't have time to weed through what to me would be meaningless posts in search of something meaningful. I don't have that problem with this website. Doug has the right formula. Lets not change a thing.
Seems to be working

I would have had a real problem trying to maintain my airplane over the last year without this site. Without exaggeration, without VAF, I likely would have concluded that doing all my own maintenance was too much for me.

Volume wise, however, most of my use of VAF is for general education or "entertainment" purposes.

There is a fine line between ensuring the site stays on subject, and forcing the writing to become sterile. Its a careful balancing act.

So far I haven't seen any draconian moderating, but there have been a few times I thought a moderator should have intervened due to some personal insults being hurled about, and didn't. In my view that's the right operating point. Better to run a little lose than too tight.

As far as politics, there is an important legislative / administrative element to flying, and especially flying an experimental. Eliminating this would be counter productive and over controlling the discourse would cross the line into sterile. I think users just need to be able to view opinions they don't like, without getting whiny.

As far as non-rv aviation posts, I think there should be a separate section. I only have an RV (for now), but many on the site have more than one airplane, or, they are flying something else while building an RV. To me it doesn't make sense to shoo them away.
I belong to several other forums, non aviation. I must say that none are even close to this one as far as civility is concerned. As a matter of fact I just lurk on some forums, as posting easily results in confrontation.
The RV guys are really a well behaved bunch. ;)
Thanks Milt

Good thread.

My comp has been down for a week and a half or so, so I am just catching up on things here.

Milt has said it very well, I must admit I was a bit surprised how many folks jumped in to give kudos to the moderator force------guess we are doing things fairly well.

I for one try to never just delete a post out of hand----sometimes I "gut" the post, and add a caution in it, usually I send the poster a message explaining what I did, and why. I often get messages from users asking that I take action on a thread that is "troublesome", and I will always review the thread before doing anything to it.

I also seek the advise of Milt, Doug, Paul, and others as needed.

Believe me, when Doug asked me to be a moderator, I was extremely honored, and quite scared at the same time.

I dont think any of the folks doing this job take it lightly.

And, input from users (like this thread) help us to do a good job.

Thanks to all.

You too, DR.
Some of these posts are like porn. I know it when I see it.

Some of the posts that get cut or locked, like the one on the plane hanging from the wires, have certain entertainment and safety awareness value.

Kind of like hangar flying, I learn a good bit from the stories told by many senior aviators and hate to have them shut down.

Thank goodness I'm not a moderator or you would all be pissed at me!

Just my $.02 worth.
Some of the posts that get cut or locked, like the one on the plane hanging from the wires, have certain entertainment and safety awareness value.
I am the one that locked it down, and ironically I agree with you. The problem is that one might argue anything having to do with aviation is RV related... So where do you draw the line? (rhetorical)
I am the one that locked it down, and ironically I agree with you. The problem is that one might argue anything having to do with aviation is RV related... So where do you draw the line? (rhetorical)

I think that is the point that many folks miss - this is not a "generic" aviation site, like Avweb, Aero-news....or the hundred or so other bookmarks I carry around on my computers This is an RV site, and i come here for RV-specific information or conversation. The aviation world is so huge that it is very easy to dilute content. If an off-topic thread gets deleted, it is not a comment on the worth of the poster - it just means it didn't fit into the definition of this site's purpose!

I think that is the point that many folks miss - this is not a "generic" aviation site, like Avweb, Aero-news....or the hundred or so other bookmarks I carry around on my computers This is an RV site, and i come here for RV-specific information or conversation. The aviation world is so huge that it is very easy to dilute content. If an off-topic thread gets deleted, it is not a comment on the worth of the poster - it just means it didn't fit into the definition of this site's purpose!


VAF (Van's Air Force) I guess the name doesn't match the way the site is evolving, maybe it should be renamced.

I guess I fall into a different camp. The thread about the planes "landing" in wires is very relevant to RV's. As sport planes we tend to fly them more aggressively than our spam can brotheren.

On a different take, IMHO deleting a thread send a cold chill over the entire web site. Reguardless of the intentions or goals there are unintended consiquences of censorship in any form. While I don't want this site to become a cess pool like so many others, I think there is a balance that can be attained allowing more entertainment and social interaction between responsible members.

We all scan the thread titles and have our favorites. If you don't like the thread don't click on it. If you are looking for specific information then search the topic in a specific forum. The techincal aspect of building can still be preserved intact in specific forums.

Maybe we could have a specific forum for aviation related topics. After all, the goal for many here is to fly, or many we should rename the site to VBS (Van's Builder's Site).

Im glad its censored.
Im glad its not a social gab site.
Im glad its directly RV related.
We frankly need more censorship here.
Way too many posts get by.

Natural evolution would send these forums by the way side like others. Un-natural evolution means moderators must get involved and choose to keep things by the rules. It requires specific action and judgement. I appreciate DR taking a firm stand and NOT allowing the site to naturally evolve. Imformative, usefull, relevant..... Thats a good mix.
If an off-topic thread gets deleted, it is not a comment on the worth of the poster - it just means it didn't fit into the definition of this site's purpose!


Paul, I think this is where the problem lies. ;)

When my thread requesting help on how to down load music into a MP3 player was deleted it was a slap in the face. I was asking for help from younger VAF members. MP3 players are talked about here all the time, so are video cameras, still cameras, how to upload pictures, computers, ect. All of these subject are talked about frequently. So when I ( a responsible VAF ambassador and contributing member to VAF) think a thread to discuss how to use a piece of equipment is needed gets deleted I can only take that one way.

This thread has nothing to do with RV's so why isn't it deleted or locked?
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Rename VAF to VBS?

"Maybe we could have a specific forum for aviation related topics. After all, the goal for many here is to fly, or many we should rename the site to VBS (Van's Builder's Site)." quote from Larry Geiger

Rename the site? I hope NOT! Doug would have to repaint his plane and think of all those VAF, shirts and caps. :eek:

Leave well enough alone.
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