Well Known Member
How do you say thank you to someone that has supported your childhood dream to build an aircraft? To someone so special that gave up so much for 10 years just so I could go pound rivets, grow fiberglass parts, complain when things would not go my way, not once ask how much that box that UPS delivered cost and so on??? To someone that said "stay out of my kitchen, that is my garage". I don't touch your tools, you don't touch mine. I will keep you feed and hydrated, just go build".

Those were a few of the questions I asked myself once Dilemma started to go from a "maybe" to "this thing will fly". Me being one of those hopeless-romantic types about my wife and aviation started to think maybe I will take her flying for the first time on a day that means something to her. Well Phase I just kept going on and on. And I missed a few planned days (in my head, she never knew). I kept concentrating on Phase I, blew by 40 hrs, blew by 45 hrs and then finally Dilemma was out of Phase I.

Wait a minute......... My wedding anniversary is in 3 days. I already had purchased tickets to see Adele (BTW, it was easier to build an airplane than to find these tickets). What if I take her up for her first ride on that day? Well that was now the plan. I told her we were going out on a date and questions were not allowed.

Now.... how do I make this fun for her? Think, think. I got it. It will be like one of those rides at the fair (although safer). I will make her an ADMIT ONE ticket. The number on the ticket will be our anniversary date, it will have a picture of her seat and one of the plane. She will hand me the ticket and I will rip the corner and hand the rest back to her (that corner now lives in my wallet). 10 minutes on the computer and bammmm!


I handed her 2 envelopes the morning of our anniversary. She was happy. I could tell she was happy about Adele tickets and somewhat scared of her ride. She has not flown with me in almost a year.

That afternoon I got the plane ready and called her once everything was set. That morning I checked Wheathermeister to get the sunset time. I planed the flight based on that.

Then it was time. "Hand me the ticket lady".

"Please take you seat".
"ok, but I am not stepping on these seats".


We took our time staring up. I told her that it would take a while to figure things out again. Gave her the brief I always give my passengers. "This is an Experimental aircraft. It was build by me and not a factory. Regulations state that I must let you know that and that you reply with you understand and you still want to go flying if that is the case. In am emergency......."

Taxied out, run up, etc. Started the takeoff roll, climbed out, she was quiet. Then I asked what do you think? "OMG, the take off was so fast. It sounds different than the other one, it is so smooth". She gave it a thumbs up (I was hopping for 2).

I kept an eye on the time, flew her around the area, over her friend's house then back to the airport at sunset. Total time was 0.6 hrs.

Pretty "epic" as the kids say these days.

So that was my first attempt at saying thank you to my wife. As I move from the building/testing phase to the operational phase, I will have to pay up with many new adventures. She was already planning on how she was going to configure her spaces back there. And came up with some great ideas. So a BIG THANK YOU to my wife. I would have not been able to this without your support, patience and understanding. On to the next phase of our life journey together.
Good Job! very smart to keep your priorities in order, I wish my wife would fly with are lucky indeed!
Great story, Axel, and happy anniversary! Congrats on the completion of Phase 1 too!

I remember being more nervous taking my wife for her first flight after Phase 1 than I was for the plane's first flight. I wanted so badly for her to like it.

She was silent on climb-out. I looked over and she was crying tears of joy.
Indeed..happy wives rock!

Great write-up! Like you guys, I have a supportive wife, that loves the RV and all things flying. We are fortunate to have this bond and support of our great "hobby", passion and way of life. When my wife and I met, she hadnt flown in a "small" plane and my -4 was nearly complete. I took her in my 46 BC-12 and that went well, so the first 40 hrs of phase 1 in the RV she just got to watch. At 40.1 hrs, the -4 had a backseat that would seldom be empty , and last year on April 18th, we got married in it above our home airport. You just can't say enough about these great ladies! For our aniversary this weekend, we are hosting an RV Fly-in...California is close by..come visit!
Happy Aniversary

Happy Aniversary and well done.
I've done lots of those over our 30+ years.
My favorite was one year for months leading up to Christmas, I told Sweetie over and over, she was getting coal. She started getting kinda torqued. A few weeks before, I bought a huge chunck of coal. Her present was a pair of diamond earings. 1 kt each. I carefully cracked it open and made a hollow. Placed the earings inside and lightly glued it back together then wrapped it in a box and placed it under the tree Christmas morning. She was kinda mad till she realized the coal was the container.
For one Mother's Day, I opened a box of Cracker Jacks very carefully, opened the prize thing, removed the suprize and inserted a nice Mothers Day ring. Wrapped it back up and had the kids give it to her. She was so touched by the treat, she almost never made it to the suprize.
One year she begged for a music CD so I took her earings gift to the music store. I bought the CD, removed the CD, placed the necklace inside and the store shrink wrapped it. Christmas morning I put the CD in the stereo and turned it on as she opened her present.
I've got many, many more. Keep it exciting!
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Ya done well------now the only problem will be trying to top that for the next anniversary:rolleyes:
I encourage my wife to share her flying experiences with others so she can help other folks who are not so open about flying. When we first met, she was deadly afraid of flying. Below are what she typed to her friends.

Part 1 (this was hours after the flight)
What an awesome flight! Words can't express how proud I am of Axel for the time and dedication it took to build this plane. I waited 10 years for this moment. To finally get to fly in the backseat of an airplane my husband built. I'm just speechless. I told Axel later I had tears running down my face. Thank you. I will never forget this day!

Part 2 (this was the following day after things settled down and I kept asking what do you think)
Ok part two..... I woke up this am and just can't believe I flew in our plane last night! I know many of you might not completely understand how big of a deal this truly is.

The airplane is not only super fast, but the detail Axel put into it is just crazy! I'm sure for all the other pilots they get all excited about the instrument panel, prop, engine....... For me, the extra things Axel thought of for my comfort is just so sweet.

There is more room for me in the back. I don't have to put my head down now when he closes the canopy. I can see back there so much better. There was a little strap to hang my headset. He put all my plug ins behind me so I don't get all tangled in the cords. (It happens, have you seen me dance back there). There are custom made arm rests along with my custom fitted seat with support. Yep, Axel has an outline of my booty 😳. He put in little air vents on each side of me they have levers to open and close easily. I have magazine holders also on each side of me. I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting in all of the excitement last night!

Building can be be so incredible stressful at times. (I know, I practically built that thing my self! )Lol. So for him to take the time to put all of these extra things in when he could have been working on something else was just so incredibly thoughtful and sweet of him ! I can't wait to get back in there and fly again!

So there you go. Share that with your spouse. If that does not get them to at least rethink, well.. maybe we can give them a call.
Beautiful idea, well executed! Now I want to do the same, but one question: Where did you get the ticket format?

How do you say thank you to someone that has supported your childhood dream to build an aircraft? To someone so special that gave up so much for 10 years just so I could go pound rivets, grow fiberglass parts, complain when things would not go my way, not once ask how much that box that UPS delivered cost and so on??? To someone that said "stay out of my kitchen, that is my garage". I don't touch your tools, you don't touch mine. I will keep you feed and hydrated, just go build".

Those were a few of the questions I asked myself once Dilemma started to go from a "maybe" to "this thing will fly". Me being one of those hopeless-romantic types about my wife and aviation started to think maybe I will take her flying for the first time on a day that means something to her. Well Phase I just kept going on and on. And I missed a few planned days (in my head, she never knew). I kept concentrating on Phase I, blew by 40 hrs, blew by 45 hrs and then finally Dilemma was out of Phase I.

Wait a minute......... My wedding anniversary is in 3 days. I already had purchased tickets to see Adele (BTW, it was easier to build an airplane than to find these tickets). What if I take her up for her first ride on that day? Well that was now the plan. I told her we were going out on a date and questions were not allowed.

Now.... how do I make this fun for her? Think, think. I got it. It will be like one of those rides at the fair (although safer). I will make her an ADMIT ONE ticket. The number on the ticket will be our anniversary date, it will have a picture of her seat and one of the plane. She will hand me the ticket and I will rip the corner and hand the rest back to her (that corner now lives in my wallet). 10 minutes on the computer and bammmm!


I handed her 2 envelopes the morning of our anniversary. She was happy. I could tell she was happy about Adele tickets and somewhat scared of her ride. She has not flown with me in almost a year.

That afternoon I got the plane ready and called her once everything was set. That morning I checked Wheathermeister to get the sunset time. I planed the flight based on that.

Then it was time. "Hand me the ticket lady".

"Please take you seat".
"ok, but I am not stepping on these seats".


We took our time staring up. I told her that it would take a while to figure things out again. Gave her the brief I always give my passengers. "This is an Experimental aircraft. It was build by me and not a factory. Regulations state that I must let you know that and that you reply with you understand and you still want to go flying if that is the case. In am emergency......."

Taxied out, run up, etc. Started the takeoff roll, climbed out, she was quiet. Then I asked what do you think? "OMG, the take off was so fast. It sounds different than the other one, it is so smooth". She gave it a thumbs up (I was hopping for 2).

I kept an eye on the time, flew her around the area, over her friend's house then back to the airport at sunset. Total time was 0.6 hrs.

Pretty "epic" as the kids say these days.

So that was my first attempt at saying thank you to my wife. As I move from the building/testing phase to the operational phase, I will have to pay up with many new adventures. She was already planning on how she was going to configure her spaces back there. And came up with some great ideas. So a BIG THANK YOU to my wife. I would have not been able to this without your support, patience and understanding. On to the next phase of our life journey together.
A really nice gesture, Axel! Does your wife have a sister? :D:D

It looks like we had the same DAR. I recognized Adam's writing on your RV's turtle deck. He's a great dude.

With all the troubled marriages we know about or see on tv, its nice to hear about a love affair that is still going on....oh, and it involves an RV-4!
Well done, both of you. :) Many more.
n8zd - also an RV-4
Excellent! It's not surprising given how much thought you put into building your project.
Axel, looks like only about 1250 miles to bring Alisha to Petit Jean this fall ;)
Nice touch Axel! I didn't build my -10 but I try to be as supportive with my wife Rita. What you did is special!


Great job on the plane and the wife!

I hope you two enjoy many more flights together!

(My wife fell asleep on our anniversary trip to Myrtle Beach the week after I got my pink slip. I couldn't believe it. Either she really trusts me or she wanted to be asleep when we went in, I'm still not sure which!)
Time well spent!

Nicely done.
I too found out the three rules for a happy marriage:
1.Keep mama happy
2.Keep mama happy
3.Keep mama happy
My favorite "anniversary journey" picture!

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Happy Anniversary

Great write-up! Like you guys, I have a supportive wife, that loves the RV and all things flying. We are fortunate to have this bond and support of our great "hobby", passion and way of life. When my wife and I met, she hadnt flown in a "small" plane and my -4 was nearly complete. I took her in my 46 BC-12 and that went well, so the first 40 hrs of phase 1 in the RV she just got to watch. At 40.1 hrs, the -4 had a backseat that would seldom be empty , and last year on April 18th, we got married in it above our home airport. You just can't say enough about these great ladies! For our aniversary this weekend, we are hosting an RV Fly-in...California is close by..come visit!

So cool.
Bill, see you soon.
Hope you have fair weather for your fly-in.
Daddy man
Awesome Ax... Happy for you. Quite an achievement. We flew the four for seven and a half fantastic years... wife, Lisa aft, carefully stated, smiled with support! The now seven...well, that's between us with a bigger smile. All aside, happy for you guys! Isn't this awesome!
Me too!

Sounds just like our situation (in my 12th year building; targeting next May to be finished). I will owe her BIG! I will have to remember your post!

Congrats on EVERYTHING!
A heart warming story!

What a great story, Axel. If more men would appreciate and honor their wives, like you have done, there would be far fewer divorces and discontentment.
I too am blessed with an understanding wife, who likes to fly with me in our RV-6. I wish I had thought of something as clever as you have, to show her my appreciation, especially about my long (6 years) building process.
AC & Mrs AC

Great write up. Skip and I would be honored if you make a trip in your new plane to our humble abode. We'll find a safe spot for "Dilema" and Skip will cook us into happy bliss.

Congrats on all the hard work you two.

Cathy & Skip