
Well Known Member
Something bugging me, I have flown a total of two RV12s, mine and the one Jetguy owns. In his it took a whole bunch of right rudder to keep on the centerline, with mine it does not require that. Same load, same engine, same plane, what would cause that?
I'm discovering (in a completely different aircraft type) that things like alignment of gear leg fairings can also make a large difference in how much rudder is required to keep the ball in the centre.
None of the suggested reasons apply, in fact with a crosswind I had to actually put in full right rudder AND some brake to keep centerline on takeoff. I think (but not positive) our props are pitched at each extreme limit, could that do it?
How does it fly, and do you have a trim tab or wedge?

I've noticed that some days I need a boot-full of rudder and sometimes the occasional tap of the brake to keep it straight while taxiing; other days not so much. I attribute most of it to that big sail of a vertical stab.

I do know, however, that it was much worse trying to taxi when the nose wheel (sorry, nose fork) breakout force was way too high. Fixing that made a huge difference.
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Check the torque on the nose bolt and make sure it is castering correctly. Maybe too much load and a lack of centring ?
Off Topic Question

Don, I was just thinking the other day I havent heard from you in a while, or maybe I just missed it. What is the status of your BFR and RV-12 checkout?