Louise Hose

Well Known Member
Rob Holmes flew over the hill to visit in his very special RV-3B this morning. What a cool paint job! I?ve always admired it in pictures but it is definitely cooler in person. Unlike its appearance in most photos, the base coat is a light gray, which makes the ?industrial? looking paint job pop.



The first order of business was introducing Rob?s plane to Tsamsiyu and taking some photos?some with the proud builder/owners.


After the photos, Rob jumped into Tsam and we tried sitting in Rob?s plane. Built for different missions (Rob?s is light, strictly VFR, and barely night equipped; Ours is heavy and solidly IFR and night equipped), we all agreed that both planes have to be among the coolest rides in the RV kingdom.


Our hopes had been to do some flying and get some air-to-air photos over the Sierra but the winds were 8 gusting to 28 :)eek:) at Dayton and forecasted to build?adding rain on the Sierra. So, Rob launched towards home with promises to get together again, soon.
Living the life!

Paul, Louise and Rob ... Looks great! Great that you folks got to meet up. Two very different births. One on east coast in an apartment the other in Texas. Rob I need to get your dad out soon. Seems he's been busy.

Take care folks!
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Paul and Louise, I had a blast flying out to see you guys yesterday. A healthy 25-30mph tailwind turned a 4+ hour drive into a 50 minute flight. Theres no free lunch though, because I paid for the time savings in the form of turbulent and cold ride back. It was 25 degrees outside at 12,000 ft! The ridge lift was pretty strong in one area - I saw 1500 fpm up for a minute or two. Now I know why the bay area glider pilots trailer their planes out to Minden every summer.

You guys have an envious setup. Three great flying machines and a large workshop just outside of your house. You planted the seed in my head...

Hey Mark,
My dad has been flying his butt off lately, but I'm sure he would love some RV time on a day off. I'm going to be flying my 3 to oshkosh then philly this year. I'll let you know when I'm in town. You ought to take your 9 on true cross country out west sometime.
Theres no free lunch though, because I paid for the time savings in the form of turbulent and cold ride back. It was 25 degrees outside at 12,000 ft! The ridge lift was pretty strong in one area - I saw 1500 fpm up for a minute or two. Now I know why the bay area glider pilots trailer their planes out to Minden every summer.

It was definitely good you skedaddled when you did Rob - we did get those rain showers about 1500 - heavy (for this area) in Carson, and socked in until almost sunset.
I get home from work Tuesday, I officially have to come down and see Tsam in person. I'll drag rocket bob along.
Nice photo op

Rob, Paul, and Louise great photos - Rob glad you?re flying around and let the two RV3 cousins meet :D
Great motivation!

I have to finish the 10 first, but boy do I want to get on to building the 3 now! I lived in South Lake Tahoe for a while (met my wife there). Those mountains have been good to me. I sure would love to visit some day..
I'm going to be flying my 3 to oshkosh then philly this year. I'll let you know when I'm in town.

Rob we hope to have a RV hanger build for 4 behind Wayne's hanger. We should have room for your baby if it the hanger is done by then. Email me more as your plans firm up
Remember the Flag Day gathering!

While we have your attention, please remember that Paul and I will host an open house and hangar warming mid-day on June 14th. All our RV friends are invited!