Well Known Member
Today I visited the San Diego FSDO for reissuance of my operating limitations. Specifically, I needed this change to revise the Phase 1 area. Concurrent with this change, new operating limitations were issued (I had the previous format), along with a new special airworthiness certificate. The visit went perfectly smooth.

For those buying an RV from out of the area, this is a good reminder.. in case you ever need to enter Phase 1 again, you will want to get with your local FAA rep when you buy the airplane, to get new operating limitations that cover an area near you for Phase 1. If you bought the airplane 2000 miles away, and decide to change the engine or prop later on, the previous Phase 1 area won't do you much good.

For those curious, the San Diego FSDO (or, my inspector, anyhow) likes to issue the following Phase 1 area:

Southern Boundary: The Mexican border from 116 degrees 0 minutes west longitude to the intersection with the 200 radial of the Julian VOR. Special care shall be taken to avoid Mexican airspace.

Eastern Boundary: Along 116 degrees 0 minutes longitude west.
Northern Boundary: Along 33 degrees 30 minutes latitude north.
Western Boundary: A line connecting the following radial points from the Julian VOR:

200 degrees at 49.5 statute miles to a point
190 degrees at 24 statute miles to a point
230 degrees at 24 statute miles to a point
265 degrees at 26 statute miles to a point
270 degrees at 42 statute miles to a point
290 degrees at 45.5 statute miles.

Excluding flight over any densely populated area.