
Well Known Member
Yesterday, I played "travelling mechanic" to a S. Calif. friends RV-10 (see brake pad comment in the RV-10 forum if you have a flying one...)

This involved a trip deep into the restricted areas near the border....:)

On approach to Sierra Vista (aka Libby Army Airfield) the tower told an aircraft to hold since I was on final...

A voice acknowledged...

I then looked over to the taxiway and the "plane" was a Predator drone...

Who knows where the "pilot's" voice came from?....:D

gil in Tucson
Border Patrol

Kind of, but not exactly. The predators are operated from Creech Air base in Indian Springs which is considered a "sister" base to Nellis.

This may have been one of the "out-sourced" non-military ones operated locally from Sierra Vista for the Border Patrol... they did make the news this year... but who knows...:)

gil A