
Well Known Member
A long ridge line of hills that are part of the Pinal Mountain Range guards the eastern approach into Kearny.


The big open pit mine outside Kearny. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Kearny was founded by the Kennecott Mining Company to make room for residents of other communities that were going to be displaced by the expansion of the mining operations.[/FONT]


The RVs were the first airplanes to arrive Sunday morning.


The town of Kearny leaves a former city police car at the airport as a courtesy car for pilots flying into Kearny to use. The car comes complete with an offical cap.


There are only two choices for breakfast in Kearny, a new West side Inn and the General Kearny Inn. Tom and Glen are on patrol while waiting for the others to arrive back at the car after a filling breakfast.


On the way back to the airport, we met a group of people walking who turned out to be fellow pilots from the Phoenix Pilot Group that had just flown into Kearny and were walking into town.
As it was just a short walk back to the airport, we traded places with them.
Ann demonstrates the proper position to assume when you are being arrested.


On the way back, we flew over Picketpost Mountain which stands alone just west of Superior, AZ and Dave took this photo. Dave, Ann, Katie and Tom had climbed it on Saturday so was really neat to see it from the air. Its a strenuous hike to the top, but the views are incredible and it is part of our training hikes to get ready for the Grand Canyon hike in May.


Another short but great trip ends with plenty of daylight left and time to get some more work done on the new RV-4.
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My former home

Thanks, Tom, for posting. It brought back memories. I lived in Kearny for six months and at the base of Pickettpost Mountain for about 15 months in a former life. I've wondered about landing at Kearny on my flights to Big Bear. Now that I know the General Kearny Inn is still serving, I'll have to drop in!
Thanks Glen and Louise,

Small world! I have also heard that a gentleman named Walt has a 27 Olds in a hanger there and sometimes gives pilots rides into town with it if hes around. I also failed to mention that the airport adjoins a 9 hole golf course that only costs about $20 to play including the golf cart.
climbing in AZ

When I was in Phoenix in April, my friend and I climbed half way up Squaw Peak. that was all I could handle. I found out climbing down was just as strenuous as climbing up as I found that it was too easy to go to fast. I had to control myself to stay slow and that was not easy. When I come back to Phoenix, I will be sure to look you up.
