
Well Known Member
A RV-suited Norwegian airstrip situated on an small "half-island"

I just have to share with you all some pics from yesterday. The wifey and me took a daytrip to an airstrip located in a fjord, "Randsfjorden" on a small "half-island".
The airstrip is 600 meters long, situated 14/32, so it's more than long enough for a RV.

It truly was a beautiful and peaceful place, with birds in the air, fish in the water and a big warm sun on the sky!

Here is the airstrip seen towards the north:

And here we are on right hand downwind.

(PS: these two pics are alittle dark because I took them just after takeoff on the return trip, that is after the sun went below the nearby horizon)

Here is the parking area seen towards the south. (The RWY is going diagonally in front of the RV.)

And here is RWY 32. Note the resting area to the right. That's where we spent the day.

Here a closer look:

At midfield, there was a combined seaplane-base and a small harbour:

It's sure is a nice place...

We took a walk in the forest and them pines sure are straight:

After a late dinner, it was soon time to head home since the mosquitoes comes out in HUGE numbers right after sunset. (At this time of the year, that takes place around 2230. (10:30 PM)

It truly was a very nice way to spend a sunny Saturday, and we never would've gotten there if it wasn't for the RV!
The RV now takes us around to places in both Norway and the rest of Scandinavia which we've never heard of, nor thought to visit.

We feel very lucky to be RV-builders!

PS: I hope I'm not "spamming" this forum and you guys with my trip-write-up these days! It's just that the RV has opened our eyes for this country in a way we've not experienced before. Now, we can take day-or weekend trips to places which way WAY out of reach before we got the RV in the air.
Earlier, we'd to travel to such places during our summerholiday, and there's isn't just enough holidays to reach all those nice places. Having a flying RV makes that a whole different story.... :)
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Beautiful, thanks for posting. My parents were from Denmark. I'll probably never fly my -7 in Scandinavia, but seeing your photo threads makes me think about it.
Beautiful country you have there Alf. Looks like you getting great utility out of your RV, congratulations.
PS: I hope I don't "spamming" this forum and you guys with my trip-write-up these days! It's just that the RV has opened our eyes for this country in a way we've not experienced before. Now, we can take day-or weekend trips to places which way WAY out of reach before we got the RV in the air.
Earlier, we'd to travel to such places during our summerholiday, and there's isn't just enough holidays to reach all those nice places. Having a flying RV makes that a whole different story.... :)

Alf, are you kidding me? I'm kind of laid up this weekend nursing a sore back, (too much bouncing around on the tractor for an old man), and the next best thing to flying my RV is reading other peoples RV travel stories; especially ones from other countries! Please keep them coming!
Agree -- having spent a week or two in non-tourist areas of Norway (my wife has family north of Namsos on Vikna), these write-ups are an excellent way to see even more of Scandinavia until we can get back there in our RV. (Which I am building with long-range tanks for just this purpose.)

Now that's the sort of place that would excite me to visit. Could we hold LOE there next year? That looks like a Land of Enchantment! :)