
Well Known Member
Last Sunday, the weather was beautiful in the south of Norway, so why fire up the grill by the house for dinner when you have a RV in your hangar?
Instead of firing up the porch grill, the wifey and me fired up the IO-360 and set course westbound into what some people call "The heart of Norway"; Telemark.
There's an airstrip "Fyresdal" situated by the lake "Fyresvatn" and it's only 30-40 minute walk to the small community (you cannot call it a "town"...)

Here we are westbound at 6000':

The highest mountain you can see in the horizon is "Gaustadtoppen" which I was telling about in this tread:

We parked our trusty RV at the airport:

And started walking towards the "town-centre".

On the way, we passed some fields where some sheeps had their dinner:

Note that there's even a few farms way up in the hill... must be hard farming up there!

We passed the local church:

And then we where approaching the resturant. It's the yellow building you can see in the right corner:

There we had a nice dinner on the porch:

No, it's not our bicycles on the pic, but I'm looking for some nice folding bikes which will fit into the -7. It's a shame they are so pricey...

The dinner came with a view:

Note the wood-pile by the lake.
It's there for the "Midsummer lakeshore party" on the 23rd of June each year.
Then people from the community gather together by the lake when the evening comes, light up the fire and their own grills and have a barbeque party on the shore.
All over other places in Scandinavia people do the same thing that evening.

This is to celebrate midsummer and those beautiful Scandinavian summernights where it's not ever getting dark. The sun is just below the horizon for 3-4 hrs and the rise again.
Farther north, the sun is never below the horizon at all: the midnight sun.. and seeing THAT is really beautiful...

During the walk back to the airport, we took a detour along the lakeshore:

And the path took us climbing up some hills and the reward was a nice view:

When we where approaching the airport again, the sun was approaching the hills:


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Part 2...


And the shadows became longer:

Note them two farms way up in the hillside. Hope they are good neighbours because they are the only ones up there!

Soon we where at the airport again, sitting at RWY 01, ready for departure:

And soon we where at 7000' heading home:

After a 35 minute flight, we landed at our home airport Rygge (ENRY) in the flat southeastern corner of Norway. Those RV's sure bring you from one extreem part of our country to another quickly!

And when we drove into our garage, our neighbours where just packing together their porchgrill and stuff. They also have had their Sunday dinner outside, but in a quite different way than us...
The bonus list of beeing a RV-builder keeps getting longer... :)

PS: go to Google Earth ang enter Fyresdal in the search column. Then you'll see the area.
Then tilt the pic so you are low over the terrain and looking north. Then "enable the hours" in the top menu.
Then you can play with the hours in that area and see how the sun just barely drops below the horizon during the night.
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Thank you. There is a lovely flow to the eloquent pictures and the brief writeup.
Look forward to many have endless daylight for many more months.

Beautiful airplane! Beautiful pictures! Beautiful country! This is inspiring and very nice to read. Thanks for posting it! I hope to visit your country one day.
Norway Dreaming

G'day Alf,

I was in Norway only 2 weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed your stunning country. Managed to get as far as Kongsberg and Knutehytta. Scenery is certainly different to here in Oz - I wish I had my 10 over there! Keep the travelogues comming!

RV-10 flying in Australia
Thanks for...

.... all the nice comments guys! :)

Yes, this is truly a beautiful country. And quite suitable for "RV'ing around" in it too... ;)

It really is an amazing feeling to fly around to all those nice places in an airplane some friends and me have built with our own hands.... a very strange feeling indeed!

Keep pounding them rivets folks!