
Well Known Member
A reflection on the ?experience?
Almost three years ago I started on the construction of a pile of aluminum, bags and bags of hardware and lots of excitement. I was comfortable with my experience and basic knowledge of building and construction techniques?.after all I have built model airplanes so how hard could this be? Throughout the build I averaged 20 hours a weekend (Fridays ? Sundays) working on the plane and all my vacation time doing the same. How quickly I realized that my supposed background was insufficient for the task I started. That excitement for the outcome of this project became tested at times as I was faced with what I thought were overwhelming difficulties, however I kept forging ahead determined to make progress each and every day I was in the hanger. Needless to say the help and assistance of fellow airport builders and the community here at Vans Air Force have been great assistance at accomplishing this project. The entire project (I?ll now call it a plane) are within one weekend of completing the final assembly ? certification paperwork is at the FAA and I?m planning on the weight and balance in two weeks then first start and airworthiness inspection. To any of you who are feeling like this is an overwhelming project and you?re ?hitting-the-wall? mentally, keep going; the excitement returns in a huge manner when the end is so near.

Thank you to the VAF community for your direct answers to my questions and for those of you whom I have read and learned from over the three years constructing this plane. 
Yep, I'll second that ...

I echo the appreciation and gratitude expressed by Doug. I could not have finished 385TE if it weren't for my pals in EAA Chapter 129 and the many contributors to VAF. The aggregate knowledge therein - and willingness to assist others - is amazing.
I've got a long ways to go on my build, but so far I can't overstate the benefits of having a truly supportive partner around. There have been a few occasions when I got horribly frustrated with something and ended up throwing tools down and stalking back into the house. Knowing how my brain works, it would be really easy for me to go wallow in self-pity and wonder whether I'll actually be able to finish this thing, blah blah.

Instead, I stalk back into the house and talk to a lady who is absolutely, incontrovertibly convinced that I can build this thing. And I can tell that's it's not just words, she really does believe in me. Sometimes that's exactly what I need, even though it's hard for me to admit it. (blah blah, big self-sufficient man, etc)
Thanks for the thought!

Hey Doug thanks for the reflection as I am just embarking on the endeavor!